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This python module implements a wrapper around the Eclipse Tahu Sparkplug B v1.0 core modules, to easily create and handle MQTT Sparkplug B entities in Python in an easy way.


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Python Sparkplug B Wrapper

This python library implements an easy way to create Sparkplug B entities on Python, abstracting one level up the already existing python Eclipse Tahu Sparkplug B v1.0 core python modules.

The mqtt-spb-wrapper python module provides the following high level classes to handle generic Sparkplug B entities and MQTT communications in an easy way:

  • MqttSpbEntityEdgeNode - End of Network (EoN) entity
    • This entity can publish NDATA, NBIRTH, NDEATH messages and subscribe to its own commands NCMD as well as to the STATUS messages from the SCADA application.
  • MqttSpbEntityDevice - End of Network Device (EoND) entity
    • This entity that can publish DDATA, DBIRTH, DDEATH messages and subscribe to its own commands DCMD as well as to the STATUS messages from the SCADA application.
  • MqttSpbEntityApplication - Application entity
    • This entity can publish NDATA, NBIRTH, NDEATH messages and subscribe to its own commands NCMD, to the STATUS messages from the SCADA application as well as to all other messages from the Sparkplug B Domain ID.
  • MqttSpbEntityScada - SCADA entity
    • This entity can publish NDATA, NBIRTH, NDEATH messages as well as to send commands to all EoN and EoND (NCMD, DCMD), and subscribe to all other messages from the Sparkplug B Domain ID.

Other helper classes:

  • SpbPayloadParser
    • Class to decode the Sparkplug B binary payloads ( Google protobuf format )
  • SpbTopic
    • Class to parse, decode and handle MQTT-based Sparkplug B topics.
  • SpbEntity
    • Class to encapsulate all basic Sparkplug B entity ( no MQTT functionality )

Example HelloWorld() - Basic EoN Device

The following code shows how to create a basic Sparkplug B Edge Device Node ( called EoND ) entity that publishes some simple data counter. This example also shows different ways to declare specific Sparkplug B data types.

import time
from datetime import datetime
import uuid

from mqtt_spb_wrapper import MetricDataType, MqttSpbEntityDevice

_DEBUG = True  # Enable debug messages

# MQTT Broker parameters
_MQTT_HOST = "localhost"
_MQTT_PORT = 1883

# Sparkplug B parameters - Create the spB entity object
domain_name = "TestDomain"
edge_node_name = "Gateway-001"
device_name = "SimpleEoND-01"

print("--- Sparkplug B example - End of Node Device - Simple")

def callback_command(cmd):
    print("DEVICE received CMD: %s" % str(cmd))

def callback_cmd_test(data_value):
    print("   CMD test received - value: " + str(data_value))

# Create a new SpB EoND Entity
device = MqttSpbEntityDevice(domain_name, edge_node_name, device_name, _DEBUG)

device.on_command = callback_command  # Callback for received device commands

# --- Data / Telemetry  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# During BIRTH message, the prefix "DATA/" is added to all the metric names
# You can change the attributes birth prefix using the attribute: = "DATA"

# GENERIC METRIC VALUE. If no timestamp is provided, the system UTC epoch in ms will be automatically used.
# INFO: Python default data types Numeric, Float String, Boolean are automatically detected and converted to their
# respective Sparkplub B data types will be used.

# You can also enforce a certain spB metric type.
# NOTE: if no spB metric type is provided, the type will be inferred from the python data type:
#       bool, numeric = float, string, bytes

# For a specific value name, a list of values + timestamps can be set to send multiple values at once.
# IMPORTANT: You must provide the same list size for the values and timestamps, otherwise a single
#            point will be sent ( first element )
    value=[12, 34, 45],
    timestamp=[1728973247000, 1728973248000, 1728973249000]

# BYTES - a list of bytes or bytearray can be sent
    value=bytes([1, 2, 3, 4]),
    # value=bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4])   # It is possible to set a bytearray

# DATETIME - to send specific spB DateTime metric typeS

# FILE - Can be sent from the open() object or you can send it as bytes or as a file
    value=open("requirements.txt", "r")
    # Note: it can also be sent as bytes or bytearray
    # value=file_bytes,
    # spb_data_type = MetricDataType.File

# UUID - Universal Unique ID
    # Note: it can also be sent as string and enforce data type
    # value='2a7e4d22-795a-44b8-96f8-cc74e24df6fe',
    # spb_data_type = MetricDataType.UUID

# DATASET - Table of values ( columns + rows ) provided as dictionary in python.
# IMPORTANT: dictionary elements should be provided like {colum_name: list(values)}, and
#            all column values should be the same size
        "Temperature": [23.5, 22.0, 21.8],
        "Humidity": [60.2, 58.9, 59.5],
        "Status": ["Normal", "Warning", "Alert"]

# --- Attributes   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Only sent during BIRTH message, with the prefix "ATTR/" over all the metric names
# You can change the attributes birth prefix using the attribute: device.attributes.birth_prefix = "ATTR"
device.attributes.set_value("description", "Simple EoN Device node")
device.attributes.set_value("type", "Simulated-EoND-device")
device.attributes.set_value("version", "0.01")

# --- Commands  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# During BIRTH message, the prefix "CMD/" is added to all the metric names
# You can change the attributes birth prefix using the attribute: device.commands.birth_prefix = "CMD"

# You can set a callback function per value. In this case if this specific command is received, the callback will be
# executed and command data value will be passed as argument.

# Connect to the spB MQTT broker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_connected = False
while not _connected:
    print("Trying to connect to broker %s:%d ..." % (_MQTT_HOST, _MQTT_PORT))

    _connected = device.connect(

    if not _connected:
        print("  Error, could not connect. Trying again in a few seconds ...")

# Send device birth message

# Send some telemetry values ---------------------------------------
# NOTE: From another app (SCADA example application), you can try to send commands to this entity for testing the
#       command callback functions.

value = 0  # Simple counter

for i in range(5):

    # Update the data value"value", value)

    # Send data values
    print("Sending data - value : %d" % value)

    # Increase counter
    value += 1

    # Sleep some time

# Disconnect device -------------------------------------------------

# After disconnection, the MQTT broker will send the device entity DEATH message.
print("Disconnecting device")

print("Application finished !")

Example - SCADA Host and EoND entities

In the following example (, two entities are created:

  • SCADA host entity - The entity will listen to all domain messages and produce some debug messages ( see callbaks ). Virtually through the SCADA entity, we will subscribe to the EoND entity, so we can trigger an event when the real EoND publishes the value = 2, then the SCADA will send the "rebirth" command to the EoND.
  • EoND entity - This entity, as in the previous example, will publish a counter value periodically. The entity has enabled the "rebirth" command. When the SCADA entity received the data value=2 from the EoND, SCADA entity will send the "rebirth" command message, and this EoND entity will publish the birth message.
import time
from mqtt_spb_wrapper import MqttSpbEntityDevice, MqttSpbEntityScada

_DEBUG = True  # Enable debug messages

# MQTT Broker parameters
_MQTT_HOST = "localhost"
_MQTT_PORT = 1883

# Sparkplug B parameters - Create the spB entity object
_config_spb_domain_name = "DomainTest"
_config_spb_edge_node_name = "Edge-001"
_config_spb_device_name = "Device-01"
_config_spb_scada_name = "Scada-01"

print("--- Sparkplug B example - Simple SCADA application with a EoND and SCADA entities")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a new SpB EoND Entity
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def device_callback_command(cmd_payload):
    print("EonD received CMD payload message: %s" % str(cmd_payload))

def device_callback_cmd_test(data_value):
    print("EonD CMD <test> received - value: " + str(data_value))

def device_callback_cmd_rebirth(data_value):
    global device
    print("EoND CMD <rebirth> received - value: " + str(data_value))
    if data_value:
        print("EoND publishing the birth certificate !")

device = MqttSpbEntityDevice(spb_domain_name=_config_spb_domain_name,
device.on_command = device_callback_command  # Callback for received device commands

# --- Data / Telemetry"value", value=0)

# --- Attributes
device.attributes.set_value("description", "Simple EoN Device node")
device.attributes.set_value("type", "Simulated-EoND-device")
device.attributes.set_value("version", "0.01")

# --- Commands
device.commands.set_value(name="rebirth", value=False, callback_on_change=device_callback_cmd_rebirth)
device.commands.set_value(name="test", value=False, callback_on_change=device_callback_cmd_test)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a new SCADA Entity
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the SCADA entity to listen to all spB messages
scada = MqttSpbEntityScada(spb_domain_name=_config_spb_domain_name,

# ATTRIBUTES - Scada application entity
scada.attributes.set_value("description", "SCADA application simple")

# Setting SCADA callbacks on received messages.
scada.callback_birth = lambda topic, payload: print("SCADA birth msg on - " + str(topic))
scada.callback_data = lambda topic, payload: print("SCADA data msg on - " + str(topic))
scada.callback_death = lambda topic, payload: print("SCADA death msg on - " + str(topic))
scada.callback_new_eon = lambda _eon_name: print("SCADA new EoN entity: " + str(_eon_name))
scada.callback_new_eond = lambda _eon_name, _eond_name: print("SCADA new EoND entity: " + str(_eond_name) + "." + str(_eon_name))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Connect to the spB MQTT broker
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# EoND device connection ----------------------------------------
_connected = False
while not _connected:
    print("EoND Trying to connect to broker %s:%d ..." % (_MQTT_HOST, _MQTT_PORT))
    _connected = device.connect(
    if not _connected:
        print("  Error, could not connect. Trying again in a few seconds ...")

# Send device birth message

# SCADA connection ----------------------------------------
_connected = False
while not _connected:
    print("SCADA Trying to connect to broker %s:%d ..." % (_MQTT_HOST, _MQTT_PORT))
    _connected = scada.connect(
        skip_death=True, # Do not publish death message - ghost SCADA entity :)
    if not _connected:
        print("  Error, could not connect. Trying again in a few seconds ...")

# scada.publish_birth()   # Do not publish birth message - ghost SCADA entity :)

print("Waiting for SCADA initialization...")
while not scada.is_initialized():

print(" SCADA detected entities: ")
for eon in scada.entities_eon.values():
    print("  %s " % eon.entity_domain)
    for eond in scada.entities_eon[eon.entity_name].entities_eond.values():
        print("  %s " % eond.entity_domain)

# Virtual subscription to an EoND device--------------------------------------------------------------
print("SCADA subscribing to virtual device %s - %s" %(_config_spb_edge_node_name, _config_spb_device_name))
device_scada = scada.get_edge_device(_config_spb_edge_node_name, _config_spb_device_name)
print("  Current device status: " + str(device_scada))

# Set a generic callback when device birth message is received.
def scada_device_on_birth( birth_payload ):
    print("SCADA EoND received BIRTH - " + str(birth_payload))
device_scada.callback_birth = scada_device_on_birth

# DEVICE CALL BACK - Generate a callback when device send specific value, to trigger an example action.
def scada_device_on_value_data( value ):
    print("SCADA EoND %s data value: %s " % (device_scada.entity_name, str(value)))

    # ACTION example - if value = 2 then trigger a EoND rebirth action
    if value == 2:
        device_scada.send_command("rebirth", True)"value", scada_device_on_value_data)  # set callback.
print("  Current device data: " + str(

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# APPLICATION - Send some telemetry values via EoND and some commands from the SCADA
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
counter = 0  # Simple counter
for i in range(5):

    # Update the data value"value", counter)

    # Send data values
    print(">>EoND Sending data - value : %d" % counter)

    # Increase counter
    counter += 1

    # Sleep some time

# Disconnect device -------------------------------------------------

# After disconnection, the MQTT broker will send the device entity DEATH message.
print("Disconnecting device")

print("Application finished !")

Library Examples

The repository includes a folder with some basic examples for the different type of entities, see the folder /examples in this repository for more examples.

  • - Example shown in following section
  • - Simplified example for an spB Device ( EoND ) - HelloWorld example
  • - Example that creates a spB Device ( EoND) and sends data from a CSV file.
  • - Example that creates an application spB Entity to listen to a domain data and devices events.
  • - Creates a spB SCADA/Host application to discover domain entities, events and send some basic commands. Can be used in conjuntion with the example.
  • - Simple paho mqtt client to display MQTT data and decode spB payloads.

Eclipse Sparkplug B v1.0

Sparkplug is a specification for MQTT enabled devices and applications to send and receive messages in a stateful way. While MQTT is stateful by nature it doesn't ensure that all data on a receiving MQTT application is current or valid. Sparkplug provides a mechanism for ensuring that remote device or application data is current and valid. The main Sparkplug B features include:

  • Complex data types using templates
  • Datasets
  • Richer metrics with the ability to add property metadata for each metric
  • Metric alias support to maintain rich metric naming while keeping bandwidth usage to a minimum
  • Historical data
  • File data

Sparkplug B Specification: []( Topic Namespace and State ManagementV2.2-with appendix B format - Eclipse.pdf)

Eclipse Tahu spB v1.0 implementation

Eclipse Tahu provide client libraries and reference implementations in various languages and for various devices to show how the device/remote application must connect and disconnect from the MQTT server using the Sparkplug specification explained below. This includes device lifecycle messages such as the required birth and last will & testament messages that must be sent to ensure the device lifecycle state and data integrity.

The mqtt-spb-wrapper python module uses the open source Sparkplug core function from Eclipse Tahu repository, located at: (The current release used is v0.5.15 ).

For more information visit :


This python module implements a wrapper around the Eclipse Tahu Sparkplug B v1.0 core modules, to easily create and handle MQTT Sparkplug B entities in Python in an easy way.







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