__ ___ _ _
/'__`\/',__)( '_`\ v1.3
( ___/\__, \| (_) )
`\____)(____/| ,__/'
_ | | _
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_| |(_) ___ ___ _ _ __ _| |
/'_` || |/',__) /'___) /'_`\ ( '__)/'_` |
( (_| || |\__, \( (___ ( (_) )| | ( (_| |
`\__,_)(_)(____/`\____)`\___/'(_) `\__,_)
C library for making Discord Bots on the ESP32, packaged as ESP-IDF component. Supports IDF version 4.1
and above, up to 5.0
This directory is an ESP-IDF component. Clone it (or add it as submodule) into components
directory of the project.
Examples of using esp-discord can be found in separated esp-discord-examples repository.
GitHub: abobija
Homepage: abobija.com