Moldable is an abstraction layer to manage MySQL database with improved function to alter-state and manipulate database schema. Moldable integrates a ORM class for manage persistent objects and adapt database schema
We are looking for contributors (PHP lovers) that are passioned by ORM and Database worlds for:
- Applying PSR code standard in working codebase and beautify the source files
- Testing library to different framework like: Slim, Laravel, ZendFramenwork, etc...
- Write and maintains updated the wiki sections
- Increase popularity of by different kind of promotions
We guarantee all visibility and thanks for our contributors, many many stars and public reference in all blog posts and articles that talk about javanile/moldable
We recommend installing via composer, to install otherwise you will write a issue.
composer require javanile/moldable
- Moldable ORM: Manage persistent object in your web application
- DB Manipulation: Work with Database through advanced scripting tools
// library namespace
use Javanile\Moldable\Database;
// initialize a database connection object
$db = new Database([
'host' => 'localhost',
'dbname' => 'db_marketing',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'p4ssw0rd',
'prefix' => 'prefix_',
// '$db' is ready to use for your manipulation
// library namespace
use Javanile\Moldable\Storable;
// define ORM class-model
class Customer extends Storable
public $id = self::PRIMARY_KEY;
public $name = '';
// instance empty object
// database tables and fields are automatic generated
// or updated if change Customer class
$customer = new Customer();
// assign values
$customer->name = 'Franky Franco';
// now object persist on DB
// '$db' is pre-connected database object (follow: 'How to: Connect to database')
// apply method send queries to create
// or align database to defined schema
// customer table name
'Customer' => [
// customer fields
'id' => $db::PRIMARY_KEY, // define field as a primary key
'name' => '', // empty string define field as VARCHAR
'points' => 0, // 0 (zero) define field as INT(11)
'born' => $db::DATE, // use to define as date field
'bio' => $db::TEXT, // text for large string and contents
// products table name
'Products' => [
// products fields
'id' => $db::PRIMARY_KEY, // define field as a primary key
'name' => '', // empty string define field as VARCHAR
'price' => .0, // for float number init field with point-zero ".0"
To test the library, follow these steps:
- Run a local MySQL database
- Copy file
- Update
with database connection paramiters - Run
from project directory
- Support to MongoDB for trasparent switch MySQL/MongoDB
- Manage table to store key-value pair like Setting or Config or MetaField
- Manage UUID field (large integer or hash string) alternative to PRIMARY_KEY index
- Flexible join system to extend field of table model on runtime
- Define encode/decode static method for a sub-set of field
- Implementig Unit of work pattern
- Listening For Query Events (gestione hook/event per modelli e query al db)