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s/clojarr/jaunt/g #76

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Feb 29, 2016
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55 changes: 24 additions & 31 deletions
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@@ -1,51 +1,44 @@
# Contributor Code of Conduct

As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of
fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who
contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating
documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open and
welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues,
posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other

We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free
experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender
identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance,
body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone,
regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation,
disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

* The use of sexualized language or imagery
* Personal attacks
* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic
addresses, without explicit permission
* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic addresses, without explicit
* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits,
code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or
to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.

By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to
fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing
this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of
Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.
By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to fairly and consistently
applying these principles to every aspect of managing this project. Project maintainers who do not
follow or enforce the Code of Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community.
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is
representing the project or its community.

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior
may be reported by contacting a project maintainer at
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a
response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the
circumstances. Maintainers are obligated to maintain confidentiality
with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting a
project maintainer at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). All complaints will
be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate
to the circumstances. Maintainers are obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the
reporter of an incident.

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 1.3.0, available at
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.3.0, available
at [][version]

13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
ontributing to Clojarr
Contributing to Jaunt

:+1::tada: First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! :tada::+1:

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Clojarr which is hosted at [arrdem/clojarr]( on GitHub.
These are just guidelines, not rules, use your best judgment and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Jaunt which is hosted at
[jaunt-lang/jaunt]( on GitHub. These are just guidelines, not rules,
use your best judgment and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

## What should I know before I get started?

### Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of conduct](
By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Please report unacceptable behavior to [me+clojarr[email protected]](mailto:me+clojarr[email protected]).
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of conduct]( By
participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to
[me+jaunt[email protected]](mailto:me+jaunt[email protected]).

## Issues

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135 changes: 56 additions & 79 deletions
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@@ -1,125 +1,102 @@
# Clojarr
# Jaunt

### Build Status

Branch | Status
`master` | [![Circle CI](]( |
`develop` | [![Circle CI](](
`master` | [![Circle CI](]( |
`develop` | [![Circle CI](](

> The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one
> persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
> progress depends on the unreasonable man.
> ~ George Bernard Shaw, _Maxims for Revolutionists_ 1903

## What

Clojarr is a hard fork of Clojure. Rich Hickey wrote Clojure to be the
language he wanted, and administers it in the way that he wants. This is
awesome, but I (Reid McKenzie) disagree with enough of the choices made in the
language and its administration that I've forked to go my own way.

The name itself is a corruption of "Clojure" which I owe to Gregory
Jaunt is a hard fork of Clojure. Rich Hickey wrote Clojure to be the language he wanted, and
administers it in the way that he wants. This is awesome, but I (Reid McKenzie) disagree with enough
of the choices made in the language and its administration that I've forked to go my own way.

## Goals

Clojarr is in no small part an experiment in what Clojure would look
like if it had a different contribution process, and was more willing
to make bold/risky changes.
Jaunt is in no small part an experiment in what Clojure would look like if it had a different
contribution process, and was more willing to make bold/risky changes.

Unlike Clojure which is eminently stable, Clojarr is not guaranteed to be
stable (yet). Some level of breaking changes with Clojure will
be accepted if there is a good reason for them.
Unlike Clojure which is eminently stable, Jaunt is not guaranteed to be stable (yet). Some level of
breaking changes with Clojure will be accepted if there is a good reason for them.

## Administration

Currently, Clojarr is administered at my (Reid McKenzie's) sole
discretion. Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are
Currently, Jaunt is administered at my (Reid McKenzie's) sole discretion. Contributions, bug
reports, and feature requests are welcomed.

It must be stated this is a hobby project for me. I'll respond to issues and pull requests as I have
free time to consider and address them.

It must be stated this is a hobby project for me. I'll respond to
issues and pull requests as I have free time to consider and address

The EPL license reads


And that is the extent of the guarantees I offer with regards to this
software. It is my goal to maintain Clojarr in such a way that
[CIDER]( works, and that most
compatibility with Clojure is maintained but this is not a hard
guarantee. If you want a Clojure compatible language, you're gonna
have to use Clojure.

In the future when there are other active contributors, it is my
desire to hand off issues and patch reviews to volunteer contributors
as they may choose to donate time. The precise mechanism by which
contributors may approve changes is undecided, but the goal is for
significant contributors who have demonstrated that they share some
degree of respect for compatibility will be able to approve and merge
changes without my involvement.

And that is the extent of the guarantees I offer with regards to this software. It is my goal to
maintain Jaunt in such a way that [CIDER]( works, and that
most compatibility with Clojure is maintained but this is not a hard guarantee. If you want a
Clojure compatible language, you're gonna have to use Clojure.

In the future when there are other active contributors, it is my desire to hand off issues and patch
reviews to volunteer contributors as they may choose to donate time. The precise mechanism by which
contributors may approve changes is undecided, but the goal is for significant contributors who have
demonstrated that they share some degree of respect for compatibility will be able to approve and
merge changes without my involvement.

## Contributing

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant
[code of conduct]( By participating, you are
expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of conduct]( By
participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

## Legal

Clojarr is (c) Reid McKenzie. All rights reserved. The use and
distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
License 1.0 (EPL) (/licenses/epl-v10.txt). By using this software in
any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this
Jaunt is (c) Reid McKenzie. All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software
are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL)
([/licenses/epl-v10.txt](licenses/epl-v10.txt)). By using this software in any fashion, you are
agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license.

You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

Clojarr is derived directly from Clojure, (c) Rich Hickey, also
distributed under the EPL.
Jaunt is derived directly from Clojure, (c) Rich Hickey, also distributed under the EPL.

This program uses the Guava Murmur3 hash implementation which is
distributed under the Apache License, in /licenses/apache.txt
This program uses the Guava Murmur3 hash implementation which is distributed under the Apache
License, in [/licenses/apache.txt](licenses/apache.txt)

This program uses the ASM bytecode engineering library which is
distributed under the license in /licenses/inria.txt
This program uses the ASM bytecode engineering library which is distributed under the license in

## FAQ

> Will you support $LIBRARY/$PRODUCT?

No. They may work just fine, and you're welcome to offer changes
continuing or preserving support as well as to assist in preventing
breakages but no degree of compatibility with Clojure, Cognitect
No. They may work just fine, and you're welcome to offer changes continuing or preserving support as
well as to assist in preventing breakages but no degree of compatibility with Clojure, Cognitect
product or surrounding ecosystem is guaranteed or represented.

> Will you add $FEATURE/$PATCH from Clojure?

No. Under the EPL you may port changes from Clojure to
Clojarr. However I make no promises of merging or porting upstream
No. Under the EPL you may port changes from Clojure to Jaunt. However I make no promises of
merging or porting upstream changes.

> Will you add $FEATURE to the language?

Maybe. For the most part, it seems that `clojure.core` is shall we say
"right sized". In the Scheme tradition, the compiler works and the
core is large enough that users can and have built just about
everything else you could want as a library. This leads me to believe
that for the most part adding features to the language isn't called

That said, I don't think the language is perfect. The Java
implementation could use some spit and shoeshine in my present
estimation. The compiler could be smarter. The various "internal" APIs
could be reviewed, documented and published so that users can rely on
them. There are some things which clearly deserve to be added such as
type predicates which are nearly universally defined by users, but I
expect this project to largely be one of refinement rather than one of
novel development.
Maybe. For the most part, it seems that `clojure.core` is shall we say "right sized". In the Scheme
tradition, the compiler works and the core is large enough that users can and have built just about
everything else you could want as a library. This leads me to believe that for the most part adding
features to the language isn't called for.

That said, I don't think the language is perfect. The Java implementation could use some spit and
shoeshine in my present estimation. The compiler could be smarter. The various "internal" APIs could
be reviewed, documented and published so that users can rely on them. There are some things which
clearly deserve to be added such as type predicates which are nearly universally defined by users,
but I expect this project to largely be one of refinement rather than one of novel development.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions build.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

Build with "ant" and then start the
REPL with: "java -cp clojarr.jar clojure.main".
REPL with: "java -cp jaunt.jar clojure.main".

Note: You may need to run the script included.
Expand All @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
<property name="clojure.version.label" value="${pom.project.version}"/>
<property name="" value="${build}/clojure/"/>

<property name="clojure_jar" location="clojarr-${clojure.version.label}.jar"/>
<property name="clojure_noversion_jar" location="clojarr.jar"/>
<property name="clojure_jar" location="jaunt-${clojure.version.label}.jar"/>
<property name="clojure_noversion_jar" location="jaunt.jar"/>

<property name="directlinking" value="true"/>

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ then
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=whatever
git checkout pom.xml

# purge clojarr from m2
# purge jaunt from m2
# no reason to leave those lying about
rm -r "$M2/repository/me/arrdem/clojarr/"
rm -r "$M2/repository/org/jaunt-lang/jaunt/"

# leave the flag file behind
touch "$FILE"
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,19 @@

<description>arrdem flavored Clojure</description>

<name>Reid 'arrdem' McKenzie</name>
Expand All @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@

<connection>scm:git:[email protected]:arrdem/clojarr.git</connection>
<developerConnection>scm:git:[email protected]:arrdem/clojarr.git</developerConnection>
<url>[email protected]:arrdem/clojarr.git</url>
<connection>scm:git:[email protected]:jaunt-lang/jaunt.git</connection>
<developerConnection>scm:git:[email protected]:jaunt-lang/jaunt.git</developerConnection>
<url>[email protected]:jaunt-lang/jaunt.git</url>

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/clj/clojure/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4109,7 +4109,7 @@
(ns-map ns))))

;; FIXME: not really how I want to do this in the long run but correct for now.
;; See arrdem/clojarr#21
;; See jaunt-lang/jaunt#21
(defn ^:private warn-deprecated? []
(or (:pedantic *compiler-options*)
(:warn-on-deprecated *compiler-options*)))
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