leverages the fantastic BGZF library in samtools
to provide random access into
k-mer matrices files that have been compressed with bgzip
Kamix expect k-mer matrices compressed with bgzip. In this matrice, k-mer must be sorted in lexicographic.
Example :
tag SRR2966453 SRR2966456 SRR2966471 SRR2966474 SRR2966454 SRR2966457 SRR2966472 SRR2966475 SRR2966455 SRR2966458 SRR2966473 SRR2966476
AAAAAATGTTTTGTAAGAAT 3 7 4 0 3 0 0 8 0 5 0 6
AAAAAATGTTTTGTAAGGAC 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AAAAAATGTTTTGTAATTGA 5 5 5 7 3 8 4 5 6 0 3 9
AAAAAATGTTTTGTACAAAA 8 6 6 4 5 0 6 6 7 0 6 4
AAAAAATGTTTTGTAGAAAC 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AAAAAATGTTTTGTAGAAAT 0 0 6 8 0 0 3 5 0 5 6 0
AAAAAATGTTTTGTAGACAT 6 4 0 6 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
# 1. Index the k-mer matrice with bgzipped
bgzip counts-matrix.tsv
# 2. create a kamix index (big.vcf.gz.gbi)
kamix index counts-matrix.tsv.gz
# 3. Query a k-mer
kamix query counts-matrix.tsv.gz AAAAAAAAAAGGCTAAACAT
# 4. query a sequence (that will be splitted into k-mers)
# Query many k-kmers from a file containing 1-kmer per-line
cat kmers.txt | xargs kamix query counts-matrix.tsv.gz
# Extract the 100 random kmers
kamix random counts-matrix.tsv.gz 100
# Is the file bgzipped?
kamix check counts-matrix.tsv.gz
# get total number of lines in the file (minus the header)
kamix size counts-matrix.tsv.gz
Counting and sorting 32-mer with DSK or Jellyfish
- with DSK:
dsk -file sample.fastq.gz
dsk2ascii -file sample.h5 -out >(sort -k 1) > counts.tsv
- with Jellyfish:
jellyfish count -m 32 -s 10000 -o sample.jf <(zcat sample.fastq.gz)
jellyfish dump -c sample.jf | sort -k 1 > counts.tsv
Consider using the sort command with -S {resources.ram}G
and --parallel {threads}
parameters to speed-up the sorting for large k-mer libraries.
Join counts from multiple libraries with joinCounts
Download and install joinCounts, to join counts files generated for each libraries.
joinCounts counts1.tsv counts2.tsv > counts-matrix.tsv
kamix is derived from grabix that uses BGZF library.
- Speed-up the random options for large files
- Add a Helper for each sub_command
- Add an option to output JSON in kamix Query
- Add the version of kamix in the index
- When indexing check if the file is good (same k-length, sorted, same number of samples)
- Check if the index is newer than the files
- Check header line
- Check if the number of samples is the same in all lines
- Make some performances test and adjust chunk size
- In k-mer index add an option to set the chunk size