Before creating conda environment, please ensure packages are installed.
conda create -n LocusMasterTE python=3.6 future pyyaml cython=0.29.7 numpy=1.16.3 pandas=1.1.3 scipy=1.2.1 intervaltree=3.0.2
conda activate LocusMasterTE
conda install -c bioconda htslib
pip install pysam==0.15.2
git clone
cd LocusMasterTE
python3 build | python3 install
LocusMasterTE bulk assign -h
LocusMasterTE provides a preprocessing wrapper script from Long-Read FASTQs to LocusMasterTE input.
First, tools need to be installed. You may refer website for installation.
- Pychopper :
- Minimap :
- Samtools :
- FeatureCounts :
4 inputs are needed.
1. Genomic FASTA
2. Long Read FASTQ
3. Gene and TE GTF files
4. Path to Output Directory
Example code is below.
bash LocusMasterTE/ hg38.fasta long_read.fastq.gz hg38.gtf output_path
If you have short-read FASTQ, here is the recommended code.
STAR --runThreadN 20 --genomeDir $outdir/STAR_index \
--readFilesIn $short_fq1 $short_fq2 --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix STAR_output \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outSAMattributes All --outSAMattrIHstart 0 \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 100 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.4 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.4 --clip3pNbases 0 \
--winAnchorMultimapNmax 100 --alignEndsType EndToEnd --alignEndsProtrude 100 DiscordantPair --chimSegmentMin 250 --twopassMode Basic
# sort by read name
samtools collate -o Aligned_sort_name.out.bam --output-fmt BAM Aligned_sort.out.bam
If you have short-read BAM file, BAM file needs to be sorted by read name.
Run command below. And output bam can be readily input in LocusMasterTE.
samtools collate -o Aligned_sort_name.out.bam --output-fmt BAM Aligned_sort.out.bam
bash LocusMasterTE/data/
A BAM file (sample_alignment_sort.bam
), annotation (annotation.gtf
) and long read TPM file (long_read_data.txt
) are included in
LocusMasterTE/data folder.
Recommended command line is written in bash file (
When inputting BAM file, it should be sorted by READ NAME. Otherwise, LocusMasterTE does not work properly.
Aligned by coordinate also is not applicable.
- [
LocusMasterTE bulk assign
LocusMasterTE was built upon Telescope. Additional arguments are elaborated.
Mandatory argument.
Path to long read file composed of three columns: "Geneid", "TPM", and "subF".
"Geneid" represents TE individual names followed by TPM values in "TPM" coulmn.
Belonging subfamily information from RepeatMasker database goes under "subF".
(default: None)
Run Modes:
--reassign_mode {exclude,choose,average,conf,unique,long_read}
Reassignment mode. After EM is complete, each fragment
is reassigned according to the expected value of its
membership weights. The reassignment method is the
method for resolving the "best" reassignment for
fragments that have multiple possible reassignments.
Available modes are: "exclude" - fragments with
multiple best assignments are excluded from the final
counts; "choose" - the best assignment is randomly
chosen from among the set of best assignments;
"average" - the fragment is divided evenly among the
best assignments; "conf" - only assignments that
exceed a certain threshold (see --conf_prob) are
accepted; "unique" - only uniquely aligned reads are
included. "long_read" - use long read to determine best hit.
NOTE: Results using all assignment modes are
included in the LocusMasterTE report by default. This
argument determines what mode will be used for the
"final counts" column. (default: exclude)
Model Parameters:
--rescue_short RESCUE_SHORT
To rescue features only captured by short,
values can be given to 0 expression captured in long read.
(default: 0)
--long_read_weight {float}
Weights on long-read information; No limited numeric ranges.
Higher number is recommended when matched tissue or cell type long-read is inputted.
Lower number is recommended when using different tissue samples.
(default: 1)
--prior_change {all,theta,none}
Integration of TPM counts from long reads.
All represents change in both pi and theta.
Change in theta influences only multimapping counts.
None is equivalent to not integrating long read
(default: all)
From Telescope
samfile Path to alignment file. Alignment file can be in SAM
or BAM format. File must be collated so that all
alignments for a read pair appear sequentially in the
gtffile Path to annotation file (GTF format)
--attribute ATTRIBUTE
GTF attribute that defines a transposable element
locus. GTF features that share the same value for
--attribute will be considered as part of the same
locus. (default: locus)
--no_feature_key NO_FEATURE_KEY
Used internally to represent alignments. Must be
different from all other feature names. (default:
--tempdir TEMPDIR Path to temporary directory. Temporary files will be
stored here. Default uses python tempfile package to
create the temporary directory. (default: None)
Reporting Options:
--quiet Silence (most) output. (default: False)
--debug Print debug messages. (default: False)
--logfile LOGFILE Log output to this file. (default: None)
--outdir OUTDIR Output directory. (default: .)
--exp_tag EXP_TAG Experiment tag (default: telescope)
--updated_sam Generate an updated alignment file. (default: False)
Run Modes:
--conf_prob CONF_PROB
Minimum probability for high confidence assignment.
(default: 0.9)
--overlap_mode {threshold,intersection-strict,union}
Overlap mode. The method used to determine whether a
fragment overlaps feature. (default: threshold)
--overlap_threshold OVERLAP_THRESHOLD
Fraction of fragment that must be contained within a
feature to be assigned to that locus. Ignored if
--overlap_method is not "threshold". (default: 0.2)
--annotation_class {intervaltree,htseq}
Annotation class to use for finding overlaps. Both
htseq and intervaltree appear to yield identical
results. Performance differences are TBD. (default:
--stranded_mode {None, RF, R, FR, F}
Options for considering feature strand when assigning reads.
If None, for each feature in the annotation, returns counts
for the positive strand and negative strand. If not None,
this argument specifies the orientation of paired end reads
(RF - read 1 reverse strand, read 2 forward strand) and
single end reads (F - forward strand) with respect to the
generating transcript. (default: None)
Model Parameters:
--pi_prior PI_PRIOR Prior on π. Equivalent to adding n unique reads.
(default: 0)
--theta_prior THETA_PRIOR
Prior on θ. Equivalent to adding n non-unique reads.
(default: 200000)
--em_epsilon EM_EPSILON
EM Algorithm Epsilon cutoff (default: 1e-7)
--max_iter MAX_ITER EM Algorithm maximum iterations (default: 100)
--use_likelihood Use difference in log-likelihood as convergence
criteria. (default: False)
--skip_em Exits after loading alignment and saving checkpoint
file. (default: False)
LocusMasterTE has three main output files: the transcript counts estimated via EM (LocusMasterTE-TE_counts.tsv
The count file is most important for downstream analysis.