WordPress importer for JSON Feed
This is a very quick, very non-error checking importer plugin, shamelessly, but awesomely copied from the WordPress RSS Importer
While I should have copied, and likely will/maybe/possibly/eventually copy something a little more fully featured like the WordPress core importer, I just needed something that would import my formerly-wordpress-then-octopress-then-plain-jekyll-now-wordpress-again blog content in a way that would take advantage of how incredibly great JSON Feed is.
There's no error checking
There's no awesome support for all the JSON Feed features.
It's hardcoded to "User #1" (like the RSS Importer)
But, it worked, it was quick (like an hour, and that's not having written any PHP in about 6 years, and half of that involved cursing about the DateTime object), and also it worked (Yes, that's redundant, but also, like awesome)