What's Changed
- Update
function to allow parameter control of display clear and full brightness setting. Default behavior if not specified will betrue
which is the behavior with prior version. - Remove clean and set brightness from begin by @smaryus in #42.
//! Initialize the display, setting the clock and data pins.
//! This method should be called once (typically in setup()) before calling any other.
//! @note It may be unnecessary depending on your hardware configuration.
void begin();
//! @param clearDisplay - Clear display and set the brightness to maximum value.
void begin(bool clearDisplay=true);
void TM1637TinyDisplay::begin(bool clearDisplay)
// Set the pin direction and default value.
// Both pins are set as inputs, allowing the pull-up resistors to pull them up
pinMode(m_pinClk, INPUT);
pinMode(m_pinDIO, INPUT);
digitalWrite(m_pinClk, LOW);
digitalWrite(m_pinDIO, LOW);
if (clearDisplay)
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.12.0