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Fix #4876: remove polyfill for object rest/spread #4884

merged 16 commits into from
Apr 23, 2018
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Cakefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ runTests = (CoffeeScript) ->
skipUnless 'async () => {}', ['', '']
skipUnless 'async function* generator() { yield 42; }', ['']
skipUnless 'var a = 2 ** 2; a **= 3', ['']
skipUnless 'var {...a} = {}', ['']
skipUnless '/"foo\tbar")', ['']
files = fs.readdirSync('test').filter (filename) ->
filename not in testFilesToSkip
Expand Down
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions lib/coffeescript/grammar.js

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

337 changes: 101 additions & 236 deletions lib/coffeescript/nodes.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ grammar =
o 'Identifier'
o 'Property'
o 'ThisProperty'
o '[ Expression ]', -> new Value new ComputedPropertyName $2

ObjAssignable: [
o 'SimpleObjAssignable'
o '[ Expression ]', -> new Value new ComputedPropertyName $2
o 'AlphaNumeric'

Expand Down
211 changes: 48 additions & 163 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1489,15 +1489,23 @@ exports.Obj = class Obj extends Base
return yes for prop in @properties when prop instanceof Splat

# Move rest property to the end of the list.
# `{a, rest..., b} = obj` -> `{a, b, rest...} = obj`
# `foo = ({a, rest..., b}) ->` -> `foo = {a, b, rest...}) ->`
reorderProperties: ->
props = @properties
splatProps = (i for prop, i in props when prop instanceof Splat)
props[splatProps[1]].error "multiple spread elements are disallowed" if splatProps?.length > 1
splatProp = props.splice splatProps[0], 1
@objects = @properties = [].concat props, splatProp

compileNode: (o) ->
@reorderProperties() if @hasSplat() and @lhs
props = @properties
if @generated
for node in props when node instanceof Value
node.error 'cannot have an implicit value in an implicit object'

# Object spread properties.
return @compileSpread o if @hasSplat() and not @csx

idt = o.indent += TAB
lastNode = @lastNode @properties

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1558,7 +1566,7 @@ exports.Obj = class Obj extends Base
# `{ [expression] }` output as `{ [expression]: expression }`.
prop = new Assign key, prop.base.value, 'object'
else if not prop.bareLiteral?(IdentifierLiteral)
else if not prop.bareLiteral?(IdentifierLiteral) and prop not instanceof Splat
prop = new Assign prop, prop, 'object'
if indent then answer.push @makeCode indent
answer.push prop.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP)...
Expand All @@ -1577,30 +1585,6 @@ exports.Obj = class Obj extends Base
prop = prop.unwrapAll()
prop.eachName iterator if prop.eachName?

# Object spread properties.
# `obj2 = {a: 1, obj..., c: 3, d: 4}` → `obj2 = _extends({}, {a: 1}, obj, {c: 3, d: 4})`
compileSpread: (o) ->
props = @properties
# Store object spreads.
splatSlice = []
propSlices = []
slices = []
addSlice = ->
slices.push new Obj propSlices if propSlices.length
slices.push splatSlice... if splatSlice.length
splatSlice = []
propSlices = []
for prop in props
if prop instanceof Splat
splatSlice.push new Value
propSlices.push prop
slices.unshift new Obj unless slices[0] instanceof Obj
_extends = new Value new Literal utility '_extends', o
(new Call _extends, slices).compileToFragments o

compileCSXAttributes: (o) ->
props = @properties
answer = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2213,12 +2197,11 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
# know that, so that those nodes know that they’re assignable as
# destructured variables.
@variable.base.lhs = yes
# Check if @variable contains Obj with splats.
hasSplat = @variable.contains (node) -> node instanceof Obj and node.hasSplat()
return @compileDestructuring o if not @variable.isAssignable() or @variable.isArray() and hasSplat
# Object destructuring. Can be removed once ES proposal hits Stage 4.
objDestructAnswer = @compileObjectDestruct(o) if @variable.isObject() and hasSplat
return objDestructAnswer if objDestructAnswer
unless @variable.isAssignable()
if @variable.isObject() and @variable.base.hasSplat()
return @compileObjectDestruct o
return @compileDestructuring o

return @compileSplice o if @variable.isSplice()
return @compileConditional o if @context in ['||=', '&&=', '?=']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2289,92 +2272,18 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base

# Check object destructuring variable for rest elements;
# can be removed once ES proposal hits Stage 4.
# Object rest property is not assignable: `{{a}...}`
compileObjectDestruct: (o) ->
# Returns a safe (cached) reference to the key for a given property
getPropKey = (prop) ->
if prop instanceof Assign
[prop.variable, key] = prop.variable.cache o

# Returns the name of a given property for use with excludeProps
# Property names are quoted (e.g. `a: b` -> 'a'), and everything else uses the key reference
# (e.g. `'a': b -> 'a'`, `"#{a}": b` -> <cached>`)
getPropName = (prop) ->
key = getPropKey prop
cached = prop instanceof Assign and prop.variable isnt key
if cached or not key.isAssignable()
new Literal "'#{key.compileWithoutComments o}'"

# Recursive function for searching and storing rest elements in objects.
# e.g. `{[properties...]} = source`.
traverseRest = (properties, source) =>
restElements = []
restIndex = undefined
source = new Value source unless

for prop, index in properties
nestedSourceDefault = nestedSource = nestedProperties = null
if prop instanceof Assign
# prop is `k: expr`, we need to check `expr` for nested splats
if prop.value.isObject?()
# prop is `k = {...} `
continue unless prop.context is 'object'
# prop is `k: {...}`
nestedProperties =
else if prop.value instanceof Assign and prop.value.variable.isObject()
# prop is `k: {...} = default`
nestedProperties =
[prop.value.value, nestedSourceDefault] = prop.value.value.cache o
if nestedProperties
nestedSource = new Value source.base, [new Access getPropKey prop]
nestedSource = new Value new Op '?', nestedSource, nestedSourceDefault if nestedSourceDefault
restElements.push traverseRest(nestedProperties, nestedSource)...
else if prop instanceof Splat
prop.error "multiple rest elements are disallowed in object destructuring" if restIndex?
restIndex = index
restElements.push {
excludeProps: new Arr (getPropName p for p in properties when p isnt prop)

if restIndex?
# Remove rest element from the properties after iteration
properties.splice restIndex, 1


# Cache the value for reuse with rest elements.
valueRefTemp =
if @value.shouldCache()
new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref', reserve: false

# Find all rest elements.
restElements = traverseRest, valueRefTemp
return no unless restElements and restElements.length > 0

[@value, valueRef] = @value.cache o
result = new Block [@]

for restElement in restElements
value = new Call new Value(new Literal utility 'objectWithoutKeys', o), [restElement.source, restElement.excludeProps]
result.push new Assign new Value(, value, null, param: if @param then 'alwaysDeclare' else null

fragments = result.compileToFragments o
if o.level is LEVEL_TOP
# Remove leading tab and trailing semicolon

{properties: props} = @variable.base
[..., splat] = props
splatProp =
assigns = []
refVal = new Value new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
props.splice -1, 1, new Splat refVal
assigns.push new Assign(new Value(new Obj props), @value).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
assigns.push new Assign(new Value(splatProp), refVal).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
@joinFragmentArrays assigns, ', '

# Brief implementation of recursive pattern matching, when assigning array or
# object literals to a value. Peeks at their properties to assign inner names.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2409,12 +2318,19 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base

isSplat = splats?.length > 0
isExpans = expans?.length > 0
isObject = @variable.isObject()
isArray = @variable.isArray()

vvar = value.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
vvarText = fragmentsToText vvar
assigns = []
pushAssign = (variable, val) =>
assigns.push new Assign(variable, val, null, param: @param, subpattern: yes).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST

if isSplat
splatVar = objects[splats[0]].name.unwrap()
if splatVar instanceof Arr or splatVar instanceof Obj
splatVarRef = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
objects[splats[0]].name = splatVarRef
splatVarAssign = -> pushAssign new Value(splatVar), splatVarRef

# At this point, there are several things to destructure. So the `fn()` in
# `{a, b} = fn()` must be cached, for example. Make vvar into a simple
Expand All @@ -2438,10 +2354,6 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
# Helper which outputs `[].splice` code.
compSplice = slicer "splice"

# Check if `objects` array contains object spread (`{a, r...}`), e.g. `[a, b, {c, r...}]`.
hasObjSpreads = (objs) ->
(i for obj, i in objs when obj.base instanceof Obj and obj.base.hasSplat())

# Check if `objects` array contains any instance of `Assign`, e.g. {a:1}.
hasObjAssigns = (objs) ->
(i for obj, i in objs when obj instanceof Assign and obj.context is 'object')
Expand All @@ -2451,15 +2363,14 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
return yes for obj in objs when not obj.isAssignable()

# `objects` are complex when there is object spread ({a...}), object assign ({a:1}),
# `objects` are complex when there is object assign ({a:1}),
# unassignable object, or just a single node.
complexObjects = (objs) ->
hasObjSpreads(objs).length or hasObjAssigns(objs).length or objIsUnassignable(objs) or olen is 1
hasObjAssigns(objs).length or objIsUnassignable(objs) or olen is 1

# "Complex" `objects` are processed in a loop.
# Examples: [a, b, {c, r...}, d], [a, ..., {b, r...}, c, d]
loopObjects = (objs, vvar, vvarTxt) =>
objSpreads = hasObjSpreads objs
for obj, i in objs
# `Elision` can be skipped.
continue if obj instanceof Elision
Expand All @@ -2478,20 +2389,19 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
# `obj` is [a...], {a...} or a
vvar = switch
when obj instanceof Splat then new Value
when i in objSpreads then new Value obj.base
else obj
vval = switch
when obj instanceof Splat then compSlice(vvarTxt, i)
else new Value new Literal(vvarTxt), [new Index new NumberLiteral i]
message = isUnassignable vvar.unwrap().value
vvar.error message if message
assigns.push new Assign(vvar, vval, null, param: @param, subpattern: yes).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
pushAssign vvar, vval

# "Simple" `objects` can be split and compiled to arrays, [a, b, c] = arr, [a, b, c...] = arr
assignObjects = (objs, vvar, vvarTxt) =>
vvar = new Value new Arr(objs, yes)
vval = if vvarTxt instanceof Value then vvarTxt else new Value new Literal(vvarTxt)
assigns.push new Assign(vvar, vval, null, param: @param, subpattern: yes).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
pushAssign vvar, vval

processObjects = (objs, vvar, vvarTxt) ->
if complexObjects objs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2528,6 +2438,7 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
# There is no `Splat` or `Expansion` in `objects`.
processObjects objects, vvar, vvarText
assigns.push vvar unless top or @subpattern
fragments = @joinFragmentArrays assigns, ', '
if o.level < LEVEL_LIST then fragments else @wrapInParentheses fragments
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2689,7 +2600,7 @@ exports.Code = class Code extends Base
param.error 'an expansion parameter cannot be the only parameter in a function definition'
haveSplatParam = yes
if param.splat
if instanceof Arr
if instanceof Arr or instanceof Obj
# Splat arrays are treated oddly by ES; deal with them the legacy
# way in the function body. TODO: Should this be handled in the
# function parameter list, and if so, how?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2743,17 +2654,7 @@ exports.Code = class Code extends Base
if instanceof Arr or instanceof Obj
# This parameter is destructured. = yes
# Compile `foo({a, b...}) ->` to `foo(arg) -> {a, b...} = arg`.
# Can be removed once ES proposal hits Stage 4.
if instanceof Obj and
splatParamName = o.scope.freeVariable 'arg'
o.scope.parameter splatParamName
ref = new Value new IdentifierLiteral splatParamName
exprs.push new Assign new Value(, ref, null, param: 'alwaysDeclare'
# Compile `foo({a, b...} = {}) ->` to `foo(arg = {}) -> {a, b...} = arg`.
if param.value? and not param.assignedInBody
ref = new Assign ref, param.value, null, param: yes
else unless param.shouldCache()
unless param.shouldCache() (prop) ->
o.scope.parameter prop.value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3028,7 +2929,10 @@ exports.Splat = class Splat extends Base

children: ['name']

shouldCache: -> no

isAssignable: ->
return no if @name instanceof Obj or @name instanceof Parens
@name.isAssignable() and (not @name.isAtomic or @name.isAtomic())

assigns: (name) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3883,33 +3787,14 @@ exports.If = class If extends Base

modulo: -> 'function(a, b) { return (+a % (b = +b) + b) % b; }'
objectWithoutKeys: -> "
function(o, ks) {
var res = {};
for (var k in o) ([], k) < 0 && {}, k)) && (res[k] = o[k]);
return res;

boundMethodCheck: -> "
function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new Error('Bound instance method accessed before binding');
_extends: -> "
Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;

# Shortcuts to speed up the lookup time for native functions.
hasProp: -> '{}.hasOwnProperty'
Expand Down