Awesome-Mix A theme for ConEmu inspired in The Guardians of the Galaxy. Ronan: You're mortal! How?! Quill: You said it yourself, bitch. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy. Screenshot Palette Name Hex RGB Dark #1b1d22 11 11 13 Dark gray blue #4c585c 30 35 36 Lime green #38b446 22 71 27 Slightly green #98c379 60 76 47 Soft red #ed5468 93 33 41 Soft violet #caa0e5 79 63 90 Soft yellow #eddb84 93 86 52 Dark soft gray #9c9c9c 61 61 61 Dark gray #767676 46 46 46 Blue #50b4d8 31 71 85 Soft cyan #69d1f3 41 82 95 Red #eb3d54 92 24 33 Soft Violet #b478da 71 47 85 Yellow #e7ce57 91 81 34 Dark gray yellow #a09f93 63 62 58