PlumbKit is a pure-Swift networking package that leverages Combine
, Codable
, and URLSession
to interact with APIs. Inspired and modified from WireKit
This package only supports SPM at the moment. The easiest way to import it is via Xcode with File > Add Packages...
and copy and paste the GitHub URL into the top-right text box
PlumbKit was designed to be very easy to use, and allows the developer to perform HTTP
network requests through creating a struct and using PlumbAPIClient
- Create a request that conforms to the
struct GetTodo: PlumbRequest {
typealias ReturnType = Todo
var path: String = "/Todo"
var body: [String : Any?]?
- Create a data manager class
import Combine
class TodoManager {
static let shared = TodoManager()
let apiClient = PlumbAPIClient(baseURL: "")
private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func getTodos(completion: @escaping (Todo) -> ()) {
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case .failure(let error):
receiveValue: { todos in
.store(in: &subscriptions)
- Use this method however you like 🥳
In the following example, we are going to create a struct for the same .GET
request as above but with pagination parameters:
struct GetTodos: PlumbRequest {
typealias ReturnType = Todos
var path: String = "/Todos"
var queryItems: [String: String]? {
"pageSize": "15",
"pageNumber": "\(pageNumber)"
var body: [String : Any?]?
var pageNumber: Int
init(forPage pageNumber: Int) {
self.pageNumber = pageNumber
struct CreateTodo: PlumbRequest {
typealias ReturnType = CreateTodoResponse
var path: String = "/Todo/Create"
var methor: HTTPMethod = .POST
var body: [String : Any]?
init(_ body: [String : String]) {
self.body = body.asDictionary
The following are the defaults for PlumbRequest
extension PlumbRequest {
// Defaults
var method: HTTPMethod { return .GET }
var contentType: String { return "application/json" }
var queryParams: [String: String]? { return nil }
var body: [String: Any]? { return nil }
var headers: [String: String]? { return nil }
var queryItems: [String: String]? { return nil }
I hope you find this library useful and README useful. For a more complete packet using the same techniques, refer to WireKit