Using Google's AppEngine, webapp2, Oauth2 and Python 2.7 to verify users
To view example visit
- Setup a project in the api console so we have a client_id and client_secret
- Create Project
- Click API Access
- Click Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID...
- Enter in a product Name and Product logo (optional) > click next
- Choose Web application, Choose http:// (not secure https://), enter localhost, click Create client ID
- Copy the client_id and paste it in the where decorator = (client_id = 'past client_id here')
- Copy the client_secret and also past it in the decorator.
- Create a new app
- Choose a Application Identifier that no one has used yet (this is often the most difficult part)
- Authentication Options (Advanced) CHECK (Experimental) Open to all users with an OpenID Provider
- Click Create Application
- On the dashboard, left navigation bar, under Adminstration, click Application Settings
- Set Authentication Options to Google Accounts API
- Save Settings
- In API Access, Click edit settings on the right side of the Client ID (originally created for localhost)
- Remove "localhost"
- Add http://<your_application_id> to the redirect uri
- Also add https://<your_application_id> to the redirect uri
- Change the javasript Origins to http://<your_application_id>