This version requires PS 24.2.0 and higher!
changes filter dropdowns into accordions
implements search field in properties
adds extra filter option in main categories (eye icons)
improved action titles. Descriptor list shows name of the target e.g. "make (layer)" or "make (annotation)" instead of just "make"
adds searching/filtering in descriptors content. So when you "get" whole application descriptor you can search for something specific in that huge object and filter it using search field in "tree view"
adds slider to set how much boilerplate code do you want to have in generated code
layout changes... settings was moved into sidebar so you can see in real time how changes will affect generated code
adds "Guide" support in "DOM (live)" tab
descriptors recorded by listener are now divided into playable and non-playable (events). Use "eye icon" to activate filter.
- when you replay recorded action using "play triangle button" then returned data are available in "replies" category
adds button to copy source code for selected items into clipboard
invisible layer ends are now reachable and listed in "Layer:" dropdown so you can read its properties
fixed autoscroll in descriptors list. Now it will scroll only when you are already scrolled at the bottom. So if you need to see something at the beginning of the list then scrollbar won't jump down.
descriptor items that failed will be shown grayed out in the list and also with prefix
so you will see failed actions at first sight. -
import and export options were moved into flyout menu
adds new main categories: Timeline, Animation and AnimationFrame
some properties were moved into "1st party" to let you know that those are intentionally restricted
add connection to CEP "Spy" plugin to get more events from Photoshop. This plugin is not distributed and enabled by default.
Adds these document properties
- cloudDocument
- compositor
- isCloudDoc
- slices
- visible
New path properties
- AGMStrokeStyleInfo
- symmetryPath
New layer properties
- parentLayerID
New application properties
- active
- autoShowHomeScreen
- brushes
- brushSettingsLocks
- customPreference
- gridMinor
- hasMatchingOpenDoc // ??? needs additional descriptor?
- homeScreenReady
- keyboardFocus
- $PnCK - paintCursorKind
- modalDialogLevel
- modalToolLevel
- mondoFilterLevel
- multiUndoEnabled
- numberOfActionSets
- pluginPrefs
- VMStatus
- springLoadedTools
- springLoadedToolsTimingSensitivity
- LoadedPluginsNames
Note: Use "reset alchemist state" to load these new properties.