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This tool exports JANUS data to JSON for both export purposes and checking the data to see if the data contained within JANUS is valid.


You can use Composer to install the dependencies. First install Composer:

$ curl -O

Then install the dependencies:

$ php composer.phar install


Copy the config/config.ini.defaults to config/config.ini and modify it for your setup, i.e.: set the database information and (export) paths. See the explanation included in the template config.ini.defaults on what everything means.

Do not forget to create the followings directory, these needs to exist and be configured in config/config.ini!

  • export
  • log
  • metadata
  • acl
  • convert (It is possible to use the same directory for exportDir, logDir, metadataDir, aclDir and convertDir)



The export function will create a json based export of the JANUS reguistry data, including entity metadata, SCL and ARP information.

You can run the export.php script after you configured everything.

$ php export.php

If you want to view the export in a formatted way you can use Python:

$ cat export/export.json | python -mjson.tool | less


The metadata function will fetch all remote metadata for all registered entities that have a metdata URL configured in teh registry

You can fetch the metadata from the metadata URLs available from the export data.

$ php metadata.php


The validate function will compare exported registry data with the metadata as was downloaded from the remote metadata YRL for each entity

You can validate the export you just made using validate.php.

$ php validate.php

This script uses the export written by export.php and creates a log file in the export directory called log.json.

You can add more checks by writing a class yourself implementing such a check and enabling it in the configuration file, see config/config.ini.defaults for an example. See the included validation classes for inspiration on how to do this.

You can also use Python here to view the log somewhat formatted:

$ cat export/log.json | python -mjson.tool


You can generate the ACL list as a JSON file using the ACL tool:

$ php aclDump.php

This will write the acl.json file to the export directory.

Convert to simpleSAMLphp

The export.json file can be converted to a simpleSAMLphp compatible file by running the convert.php script:

$ php convert.php

It will write two files: saml20-idp-remote.json and saml20-sp-remote.json containing the IdP and SP configuration.


In order to mail errors to email you can run the mail.php script:

$ php mail.php

You can configure the addresses in config/config.ini.


In order to automatically run the scripts, the following cron is suggested:

33 3 * * * php /home/fkooman/janus-tools/metadata.php
0 * * * * php /home/fkooman/janus-tools/export.php && php /home/fkooman/janus-tools/validate.php >/dev/null && php /home/fkooman/janus-tools/aclDump.php
0 4 * * mon php /home/fkooman/janus-tools/mail.php >/dev/null

This will run the most scripts every hour, and the metadata fetching at 3:33 AM which gives it half an hour to complete before the other scripts run again. In addition this will once a week, on Monday morning at 4am mail a log to the configured addresses in config/config.ini.

Validation Filters

You can add your own validation filters to src/SURFnet/janus/validate/validators. Copy one of the other validators to get started and modify it as needed.

You must implement two methods: idp and sp with their respective parameters. You can implement your check using the data that is made available as parameters to the methods. If you are writing a filter only for IdPs or for SPs you can leave the body of the other type empty. You can write log entries using for example:

$this->logWarning("sp must have arp");

There is also the option to use $this->logError("msg");. The context of the entity is saved as well: the entity ID of the entity, the entity type, i.e.: saml20-idp or saml20-sp and the module that generates the message.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;