This simple program converts a .csv file into a table using the LaTeX syntax. Use the arguments listed below to specify what should be done to the .csv file. By default the program converts exponential notation into LaTeX math-mode and saves the table as a .txt file. This can ofcourse be altered by setting the -s and -e flag respectively.
##List of Arguments
-h Displays the help information of the program
-p Prints the LaTeX table to the terminal. This is useful if you can copy text directly from the terminal.
-t Rotates the table 90degrees. eg. rows become columns and vice versa
-r Reverses the csv table. eg. first element becomes the last and so on.
-e Replaces exponential notation with LaTeX syntax. eg. 6.022e23 becomes 6.022$\cdot 10^{23}$. On by default
-s Saves the latex table as _LaTeX.txt. On by default
-a Alternating row colors.
##Examples of Usage The following examples will call the converter with the test file: test.csv. Set the flags as needed.
###Linux and OSX cd /Users//Downloads/ ./csv_to_LaTeX_table_v.0.1 test.csv -p -e
cd \Users<username>\Downloads
csv_to_LaTeX_table_v.0.1.exe test.csv -p -e