Code for Yuan, et al. 'Multi-Day Neuron Tracking in High Density Electrophysiology Recordings using EMD' (biorxiv doi: (eLife: eLife2024;12:RP92495 DOI:
All features are implemented in MATLAB R2023b.
- npy-matlab( need for reading .npy files
- C_Waves ( to generate mean waveforms
- ecephys( for KS2.5 post-processing and metrics
- Pipeline: code for tracking neurons
- Example: example code with 5 datasets from animal AL032
- Figure: code for reproducing figures in the manuscript
Function 1 - NT_main.m
Goal: Match units between 2 datasets.
Input: Kilosort cluster label(only include clusters in the region of interest), channel map, mean waveforms (created with C_Waves or other tool, from the KS2.5 drift corrected data)
Output: Unit match assignment -
Function 2 - chain_summary.mat
Goal: Find chains using output from all datasets.
Input: Unit assignment from multiple datasets
Output: Summary of chains within distance threshold -
Function 3 - chain_stats.mat
Goal: Summarize L2, FR, and locations of all fully tracked chains.
Input: Summary of chains Output: Plots(waveforms, firing rate, xz locations) of selected chains -
Additional Functions:
- ks2_working_toBinary: Converts the KS2.5 temp_wh.dat file, which has been drift corrected, to a standard, correctly scaled binary to be input to C_Waves
- dist_mat.m: A function used to generate a 'distance matrix' that gives an idea of whether to exclude certain datasets with poor trackability. It is more meaningful to run on datasets with many comparisons.
- acc.m: A function used to compute recovery rate(without threshold) and accuracy(with threshold). Only use if there are validation information. Will use a matrix with correct-match cluster labels as input. The directory 'supplementary' contains one example validation table 'truth.mat'(from animal AL032 shank 1 dataset 1 and 2).
output.all_results (column code) = [reference(0 for datasets without validation info), d2 clu label, d1 clu label, EMD distance, location distance, waveform distance, vertical distance] output.results_wth = unit assignment with threshold applied
Function - Example_run.m
Goal: Demonstrate an example with 5 datasets
Input: Animal AL032 shank 1 dataset 1 to 5
- result_chain.mat - A matlab file contains the summary of chains within distance threshold
- chain_stats.mat - A matlab file contains the summary of L2 weight, firing rate, and xz locations of fully tracked chains
- Plot waveforms, firing rate, and xz locations of a chain of choice
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