Run VS Code on any Docker host and use it in the browser.
The Docker image is based on latest Fedora Linux image and starts the great code-server inside.
docker run --rm --name code-server \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e PASSWORD=mypassword \
-v /my/workspace:/workspace \
Then open http://localhost:8080/
Name | Default Value | Description |
LOCALE | en |
Set the locale of vs-code. See available here |
PASSWORD | changeit |
Password for using code-server |
EXTENSIONS | golang.go|ms-python.python|ms-python.debugpy|eamodio.gitlens||esbenp.prettier-vscode|dbaeumer.vscode-eslint|ecmel.vscode-html-css|pkief.material-icon-theme|k--kato.intellij-idea-keybindings |
List of vs-code extensions-ids, separated by | |
Get the latest released VERSION
of code-server
from here.
docker build --build-arg VERSION=v4.96.4 -t myrepo/code-server:v1.0 .