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Meteor Transitions

Easy to use CSS3 transitions for use in MeteorJS.


Demo Repository:

Getting started

Add the transitions package to you your project:

meteor add jamielob:transitions

Only 3 things are needed to make transitions work.

  • A container div
  • A content div
  • Choosing the animations you want to use for the in and out transitions

Full page transitions using iron-router

After adding and setting up the iron-router package, wrap your {{>yield}} in a <div> with a class of transitions-container. If you want the container to be full screen then you'll need to add height: 100%; to the container.

<template name="yourLayoutTemplate">
  <div class="transitions-container" style="height:100%;">

Next, wrap your content on each template in a <div> with a class of transitions-content.

<template name="page">
	 <div class="transitions-content">
	    <a href="{{pathFor 'anotherPage'}}" data-transition-out="slideLeftOut" data-transition-in="slideLeftIn">Go to another page</a>

Pick the in and out transition animations you want and set them on the link or button, using data-transition-in and data-transition-out.

Inline transitions using dynamic templates

Wrap your dynamic template in a <div> with a class of transitions-container.

  <div class="transitions-container">
    {{> UI.dynamic template=dynamicTemplate}}

Next, wrap your content on each template in a <div> with a class of transitions-content.

<template name="dynamic1">
	 <div class="transitions-content">
	    Some content

Now, each time you switch the value of dynamicTemplate, the content with transition with the animation of your choice. If you are triggering the change via a button or link, you can put the data-transition-in and data-transition-out on there as in the iron:router example. Or you can set a default animation for all transitions to use.

Configuration (Optional)

You can set the classes of the container and content to whatever you want like this:

Transitions.container = '.custom-container';
Transitions.content = '.custom-content';

You can set up default transitions so that all of your links will use. For example:

Transitions.transitionIn = 'slideLeftIn';
Transitions.transitionOut = 'slideLeftOut';

Available Transitions

Build the transition name using the options below. For example, slideUpIn and slideUpOut are valid tansition names.

  • slide - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • slideFade - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • scale - Out | In
  • pivot - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • flip - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • fall
  • spin - Left | Right - Out | In
  • fold - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • hinge - Top | Bottom | Left | Right - Out | In
  • room - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • cube - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • swing - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In
  • sweep - Up | Down | Left | Right - Out | In

Additional Classes

onTop: Ensures that the transition remains on top. Needed for some transition combinations. For example, you might decide to use roomUpIn and onTop together like so - data-transition-in="roomUpIn onTop"

delay100: Delays the transition from started for set time in ms. Available in 100 increments up to 1000. For example - data-transition-in="sweepUpIn delay500"

Reacting when a transition is completed

When the transition is completed, a data-transition-done event is triggered. You can capture it as shown below.

$(document).on("data-transition-done", function() {
  console.log("transition-done received")

A simple example code that sets an onRendered callback which will change the background-color right after the transition is completed can be done as follows.

Template.onRendered(function() {

  var _dependency = new Tracker.Dependency();

  Tracker.autorun(function() {

  $(document).on("data-transition-done", function() {


Jade Compatibility

By default this package doesnt support jade completely. You can however use a combination of jade and HTML Templates. You just have to make sure that your main transitions-container div is inside an HTML template, and then you can use Jade templates for all of your other templates. Here is a simple example:


<template name="layout">  
    <div class="transitions-container" style="height:100%">
        {{> yield}}

home.tpl.jade (which uses the layout template above):

        a.home-menu-link(href="{{pathFor 'page2'}}" data-transition-out="slideFadeLeftOut" data-transition-in="slideFadeRightIn") page2     

See this issue for more details.

Known Issues / To Do

  • Sweep seems to need delay100 or above to work consistently on iPhone (as in demo).


Easy to use CSS3 transitions for use in MeteorJS






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