The GeoSim mobility model simulate the movement of people in cities taking individual and social preferences into account.
GeoSim requires numpy, matplotlib, and networkx to run.
To run the mode with the sample network run the following code block in python:
import geosim
params = {
'rho': lambda: 0.6,
'gamma': 0.6,
'alpha': lambda: numpy.random.exponential(0.2),
'beta': 0.8,
'tau': 17.0,
'xmin': 1.0,
'network_type': 'real',
'fname': 'sample_network.pickle',
'nusers': 100,
'nlocations': 250,
'ncontacts': 20,
'nsteps': 5001
model = geosim.GeoSim(params)