Mupen64Plus, Android Edition (AE) is a port of Mupen64Plus to Android. (Not officially supported by the Mupen64Plus team)
Author: Paul Lamb
(for assistance, visit
From the terminal, go to the folder where you want to put mupen64plus-ae (for Eclipse users, this should be ~/workspace/)
Clone the git repository (example: "git clone")
From the terminal, enter the mupen64plus-ae folder
Run "android list targets" to find the index ## for API level 17 or higher
Update the Android project (example: "android update project --target ## --name Mupen64Plus --path .")
Install or update to the latest ADT plug-in (and optionally the Sequoyah Android Native Support plug-ins)
Import existing project into the workspace, and choose the mupen64plus-ae folder
If using Sequoyah, right-click on the mupen64plus-ae project and choose "Android->Add native support"
Check the paths to the SDK and NDK
Navigate to the mupen64plus-ae folder
Run "ndk-build" to generate the native libraries
Run "ant debug" (or "ant release") to generate the .apk file(s)