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My shell scripts

These are the shell scripts I’ve written for a broad range of tasks. Move these into your $PATH to call them without needing to provide a full path to the script to run it.



This script monitors battery levels for 2 battery systems and sends notifications via notify-send when the battery gets too low. At 5% the script notifies the user that the computer will lock in 60 seconds if not plugged in. If the computer isn’t plugged in within 60 seconds, the screen locks with the command defined in the lock_command variable on line 3.


This script converts PDF pages to compressed PNG images. It is useful for sending to cell phones or other situations where a PDF might be cumbersome. The script also adds a 2 pixel, black border to the PNGs, which can be helpful for displaying them on white backgrounds.

This script accepts up to 3 arguments:

  1. The PDF to convert to PNG

  2. The first page to convert

  3. The last page to convert

The full command can be

pdf2png example.pdf 1 5

If argument 3 is empty, the script only converts the page given in argument 2.

pdf2png example.pdf 1

If only the pdf name is given, the script only creates a PNG of the first page.

pdf2png example.pdf


  • pdftoppm

  • imagemagick

  • optipng

Dmenu Scripts (dm-*)

These are the scripts that I pipe through dmenu to perform various tasks.

I use this for storing my links to my different websites or contact information. This reads a file stored in $HOME/.config/mylinks/links.txt for links or whatever information you want to store in it. Upon selecting the desired line in dmenu, the script types the link out wherever your cursor was when you launched the script.

This is is an example structure for the links.txt file:

My website
My github
My email address [email protected]

Selecting the My email address [email protected] line in dmenu will simply output [email protected] at the cursor’s current location.

Create the needed directory and file with mkdir -p $HOME/.config/mylinks && touch $HOME/.config/mylinks/links.txt Add all links and their descriptions to the links.txt file with the link as the last item in each string (with a space before it).


Removing the -F flag from the dm="dmenu -i -l 15 -F" line removes the dependency on the fuzzymatch patch.


This lets me change my screen’s color temperature for evenings or mornings. The script uses the program redshift to lessen blue light, and emit a warmer light that isn’t as harsh or disruptive to sleep.

Redshift can perform these temperature changes automatically, but I prefer to adjust this manually through this script.


Removing the -c flag from dm="dmenu -i -c -l 10" removes the dependency on the center patch.


This screenshot script allows me to screenshot my entire screen, a specific area, or open the most recent screenshot I took. This saves screenshots with a filename format that matches Android phones, should you want to sync phone and computer screenshots in one directory in chronological order.


Removing the -c flag from dm="dmenu -i -c -l 10" removes the dependency on the center patch.

Status bar scripts (sb-*)

These status bar scripts use the free FontAwesome Icons. These scripts work for status bar programs like DWMBlocks, Polybar, or can be called in an xsetroot command.


Displays a single, averaged battery percentage for laptops with two batteries.


Displays the space available on a single hard drive. Users may have to adjust the row and column that the script reads from, depending on their system configuration.


Displays the amount of random access memory (RAM) the system is currently using.


Displays the current date in IS0-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format, and the current time in 24-hour (HH:MM) format.


Displays the current volume from the system’s default PulseAudio sink.


Displays the the system’s current wifi connection status. Do note that this just displays the system’s connection with the wifi access point, and not the access point’s connection to the internet (this script can show an active wifi status while not connected to the internet).

Using these scripts in a status bar

DWMBlocks blocks.h config

static const Block blocks[] = {
        /*Icon*/        /*Command*/     /*Update Interval*/     /*Update Signal*/
        {"", 		"sb-wifi", 	2, 			0},
        {"", 		"sb-volume", 	2, 			0},
        {"", 		"sb-ram",  	2, 			0},
        {"", 		"sb-hdspace", 	360, 			0},
        {"", 		"sb-time", 	15, 			0},
        {"", 		"sb-battery", 	1, 			0},

//sets delimeter between status commands. NULL character ('\0') means no delimeter.
static char delim[] = " ";
static unsigned int delimLen = 5;

Polybar config for calling a single module, on the right side of the status bar. Find these areas in the config file and change them as needed.

font-0 = Source Code Pro:pixelsize=10;1
font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free:size=10;1
font-2 = Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:size=10;1
font-3 = Font Awesome 5 Free Brands:size=10;1
font-4 = siji:pixelsize=10;1

modules-right = sb-ram

type = custom/script
format-foreground = ${colors.foreground}
format-prefix = ""
format-padding = 1
label = "%output%"
initial = 1
interval = 3
exec = change/this/to/the/path/to/this/script


My shell scripts







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