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Use physical qubits internally within Sabre
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This swaps the whole Sabre algorithm over to using physical qubits
rather than virtual qubits.  This makes all operations based on finding
the swaps and scoring them far more natural, at the cost of the layer
structures needing to do a little more book-keeping to rewrite
themselves in terms of the new physical qubits after a swap.  This also
means that the swaps that come out of the Sabre algorithm automatically
become physical, which requires less tracking to output them into the
final DAG circuit.
  • Loading branch information
jakelishman committed Sep 6, 2023
1 parent 61e5bde commit d023759
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Showing 6 changed files with 205 additions and 152 deletions.
170 changes: 105 additions & 65 deletions crates/accelerate/src/sabre_swap/
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Expand Up @@ -15,17 +15,24 @@ use indexmap::IndexMap;
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use rustworkx_core::petgraph::prelude::*;

use crate::nlayout::{NLayout, VirtualQubit};
use crate::nlayout::PhysicalQubit;

/// A container for the current non-routable parts of the front layer. This only ever holds
/// two-qubit gates; the only reason a 0q- or 1q operation can be unroutable is because it has an
/// unsatisfied 2q predecessor, which disqualifies it from being in the front layer.
/// It would be more algorithmically natural for this struct to work in terms of virtual qubits,
/// because then a swap insertion would not change the data contained. However, for each swap we
/// insert, we score tens or hundreds, yet the subsequent update only affects two qubits. This
/// makes it more efficient to do everything in terms of physical qubits, so the conversion between
/// physical and virtual qubits via the layout happens once per inserted swap and on layer
/// extension, not for every swap trialled.
pub struct FrontLayer {
/// Map of the (index to the) node to the qubits it acts on.
nodes: IndexMap<NodeIndex, [VirtualQubit; 2], ahash::RandomState>,
nodes: IndexMap<NodeIndex, [PhysicalQubit; 2], ahash::RandomState>,
/// Map of each qubit to the node that acts on it and the other qubit that node acts on, if this
/// qubit is active (otherwise `None`).
qubits: Vec<Option<(NodeIndex, VirtualQubit)>>,
qubits: Vec<Option<(NodeIndex, PhysicalQubit)>>,

impl FrontLayer {
Expand All @@ -42,7 +49,7 @@ impl FrontLayer {

/// Add a node into the front layer, with the two qubits it operates on.
pub fn insert(&mut self, index: NodeIndex, qubits: [VirtualQubit; 2]) {
pub fn insert(&mut self, index: NodeIndex, qubits: [PhysicalQubit; 2]) {
let [a, b] = qubits;
self.qubits[a.index()] = Some((index, b));
self.qubits[b.index()] = Some((index, a));
Expand All @@ -51,20 +58,20 @@ impl FrontLayer {

/// Remove a node from the front layer.
pub fn remove(&mut self, index: &NodeIndex) {
let [q0, q1] = self.nodes.remove(index).unwrap();
self.qubits[q0.index()] = None;
self.qubits[q1.index()] = None;
let [a, b] = self.nodes.remove(index).unwrap();
self.qubits[a.index()] = None;
self.qubits[b.index()] = None;

/// Query whether a qubit has an active node.
pub fn is_active(&self, qubit: VirtualQubit) -> bool {
pub fn is_active(&self, qubit: PhysicalQubit) -> bool {

/// Calculate the score _difference_ caused by this swap, compared to not making the swap.
pub fn score(&self, swap: [VirtualQubit; 2], layout: &NLayout, dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
pub fn score(&self, swap: [PhysicalQubit; 2], dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
if self.is_empty() {
return 0.0;
Expand All @@ -77,25 +84,21 @@ impl FrontLayer {
let [a, b] = swap;
let mut total = 0.0;
if let Some((_, c)) = self.qubits[a.index()] {
let p_c = c.to_phys(layout);
total += dist[[b.to_phys(layout).index(), p_c.index()]]
- dist[[a.to_phys(layout).index(), p_c.index()]]
total += dist[[b.index(), c.index()]] - dist[[a.index(), c.index()]]
if let Some((_, c)) = self.qubits[b.index()] {
let p_c = c.to_phys(layout);
total += dist[[a.to_phys(layout).index(), p_c.index()]]
- dist[[b.to_phys(layout).index(), p_c.index()]]
total += dist[[a.index(), c.index()]] - dist[[b.index(), c.index()]]
total / self.nodes.len() as f64

/// Calculate the total absolute of the current front layer on the given layer.
pub fn total_score(&self, layout: &NLayout, dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
pub fn total_score(&self, dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
if self.is_empty() {
return 0.0;
.map(|(_, &[a, b])| dist[[a.to_phys(layout).index(), b.to_phys(layout).index()]])
.map(|(_, &[a, b])| dist[[a.index(), b.index()]])
/ self.nodes.len() as f64
Expand All @@ -105,37 +108,54 @@ impl FrontLayer {
pub fn routable_after(
routable: &mut Vec<NodeIndex>,
swap: &[VirtualQubit; 2],
layout: &NLayout,
swap: &[PhysicalQubit; 2],
coupling: &DiGraph<(), ()>,
) {
let [a, b] = *swap;
if let Some((node, c)) = self.qubits[a.index()] {
if coupling.contains_edge(
) {
if coupling.contains_edge(NodeIndex::new(b.index()), NodeIndex::new(c.index())) {
if let Some((node, c)) = self.qubits[b.index()] {
if coupling.contains_edge(
) {
if coupling.contains_edge(NodeIndex::new(a.index()), NodeIndex::new(c.index())) {

/// Apply a physical swap to the current layout data structure.
pub fn apply_swap(&mut self, swap: [PhysicalQubit; 2]) {
let [a, b] = swap;
match (self.qubits[a.index()], self.qubits[b.index()]) {
(Some((index1, _)), Some((index2, _))) if index1 == index2 => {
let entry = self.nodes.get_mut(&index1).unwrap();
*entry = [entry[1], entry[0]];
_ => {}
if let Some((index, c)) = self.qubits[a.index()] {
self.qubits[c.index()] = Some((index, b));
let entry = self.nodes.get_mut(&index).unwrap();
*entry = if *entry == [a, c] { [b, c] } else { [c, b] };
if let Some((index, c)) = self.qubits[b.index()] {
self.qubits[c.index()] = Some((index, a));
let entry = self.nodes.get_mut(&index).unwrap();
*entry = if *entry == [b, c] { [a, c] } else { [c, a] };
self.qubits.swap(a.index(), b.index());

/// True if there are no nodes in the current layer.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

/// Iterator over the nodes and the pair of qubits they act on.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&NodeIndex, &[VirtualQubit; 2])> {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&NodeIndex, &[PhysicalQubit; 2])> {

Expand All @@ -145,90 +165,110 @@ impl FrontLayer {

/// Iterator over the qubits that have active nodes on them.
pub fn iter_active(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &VirtualQubit> {
pub fn iter_active(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &PhysicalQubit> {

/// This is largely similar to the `FrontLayer` struct but can have more than one node on each active
/// qubit. This does not have `remove` method (and its data structures aren't optimised for fast
/// removal), since the extended set is built from scratch each time a new gate is routed.
/// This structure is currently reconstructed after each gate is routed, so there's no need to
/// worry about tracking gate indices or anything like that. We track length manually just to
/// avoid a summation.
pub struct ExtendedSet {
nodes: IndexMap<NodeIndex, [VirtualQubit; 2], ahash::RandomState>,
qubits: Vec<Vec<VirtualQubit>>,
qubits: Vec<Vec<PhysicalQubit>>,
len: usize,

impl ExtendedSet {
pub fn new(num_qubits: u32, max_size: usize) -> Self {
pub fn new(num_qubits: u32) -> Self {
ExtendedSet {
nodes: IndexMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(max_size, ahash::RandomState::default()),
qubits: vec![Vec::new(); num_qubits as usize],
len: 0,

/// Add a node and its active qubits to the extended set.
pub fn insert(&mut self, index: NodeIndex, qubits: &[VirtualQubit; 2]) -> bool {
let [a, b] = *qubits;
if self.nodes.insert(index, *qubits).is_none() {
} else {
pub fn push(&mut self, qubits: [PhysicalQubit; 2]) {
let [a, b] = qubits;
self.len += 1;

/// Calculate the score of applying the given swap, relative to not applying it.
pub fn score(&self, swap: [VirtualQubit; 2], layout: &NLayout, dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
if self.nodes.is_empty() {
pub fn score(&self, swap: [PhysicalQubit; 2], dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
if self.len == 0 {
return 0.0;
let [a, b] = swap;
let p_a = a.to_phys(layout);
let p_b = b.to_phys(layout);
let mut total = 0.0;
for other in self.qubits[a.index()].iter() {
// If the other qubit is also active then the score won't have changed, but since the
// distance is absolute, we'd double count rather than ignore if we didn't skip it.
if *other == b {
let p_other = other.to_phys(layout);
total += dist[[p_b.index(), p_other.index()]] - dist[[p_a.index(), p_other.index()]];
total += dist[[b.index(), other.index()]] - dist[[a.index(), other.index()]];
for other in self.qubits[b.index()].iter() {
if *other == a {
let p_other = other.to_phys(layout);
total += dist[[p_a.index(), p_other.index()]] - dist[[p_b.index(), p_other.index()]];
total += dist[[a.index(), other.index()]] - dist[[b.index(), other.index()]];
total / self.nodes.len() as f64
total / self.len as f64

/// Calculate the total absolute score of this set of nodes over the given layout.
pub fn total_score(&self, layout: &NLayout, dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
if self.nodes.is_empty() {
pub fn total_score(&self, dist: &ArrayView2<f64>) -> f64 {
if self.len == 0 {
return 0.0;
.map(|&[a, b]| dist[[a.to_phys(layout).index(), b.to_phys(layout).index()]])
.map(move |(a_index, others)| {
.map(|b| {
let b_index = b.index();
if a_index <= b_index {
dist[[a_index, b_index]]
} else {
/ self.nodes.len() as f64
/ self.len as f64

/// Clear all nodes from the extended set.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
for &[a, b] in self.nodes.values() {
for others in self.qubits.iter_mut() {
self.len = 0;

/// Number of nodes in the set.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

/// Apply a physical swap to the current layout data structure.
pub fn apply_swap(&mut self, swap: [PhysicalQubit; 2]) {
let [a, b] = swap;
for other in self.qubits[a.index()].iter_mut() {
if *other == b {
*other = a
for other in self.qubits[b.index()].iter_mut() {
if *other == a {
*other = b
self.qubits.swap(a.index(), b.index());

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