Jaeger UI v1.21.0
- Include serviceName in tracked events from Search Form (@vvvprabhakar in #842)
- Monitor Tab: Cannot see the whole numbers in the legend (@nofar9792 in #873)
- Monitor Tab: Cannot choose another timeframe (@nofar9792 in #898)
- Monitor Tab: Error rate value should be 0-100 value and not 0-1 (@nofar9792 in #895)
- Monitor Tab: Show 95 Latency in a more readable time-unit (@nofar9792 in #893)
- Monitor Tab: The x-axis timeframe should be according to the selected timeframe (@nofar9792 in #886)
- Monitor Tab: Improve request rate readability (@nofar9792 in #890)
- Monitor Tab: Crosshair color is too light (@nofar9792 in #888)
- Monitor Tab: Reduce ratePer window (@albertteoh in #885)