QueryList Plugin: Google searcher,Google Search Engine Scraper in PHP,Crawl Google search results.
composer require jaeger/querylist-rule-google
- Google google($pageNumber = 10):get Google Searcher.
class Google:
- Google search($keyword):set search keyword.
- Google setHttpOpt(array $httpOpt = []):Set the http option,see: GuzzleHttp options
- int getCount():Get the total number of search results.
- int getCountPage():Get the total number of pages.
- Collection page($page = 1):Get search results
- Installation Plugin
use QL\QueryList;
use QL\Ext\Google;
$ql = QueryList::getInstance();
//or Custom function name
- Example-1
$google = $ql->google(10)
$searcher = $google->search('QueryList');
$count = $searcher->getCount();
$data = $searcher->page(1);
$data = $searcher->page(2);
$searcher = $google->search('php');
$countPage = $searcher->getCountPage();
for ($page = 1; $page <= $countPage; $page++)
$data = $searcher->page($page);
- Example-2
$searcher = $ql->google()->search('QueryList');
$data = $searcher->setHttpOpt([
// Set the http proxy
'proxy' => '',
// Set the timeout time in seconds
'timeout' => 30,
- Example-3
$data= $searcher = $ql->google(3)->search('QueryList')->page(1);
[0] => Array
[title] => Angular - QueryList
[link] => https://angular.io/api/core/QueryList
[1] => Array
[title] => QueryList | @angular/core - Angularリファレンス - Web Creative Park
[link] => http://www.webcreativepark.net/angular/querylist/
[2] => Array
[title] => Understanding ViewChildren, ContentChildren, and QueryList in ...
[link] => https://netbasal.com/understanding-viewchildren-contentchildren-and-querylist-in-angular-896b0c689f6e