Small collection of handy commands to make your life easier.
I based these commands on daily workflow commands I run during development. Mostly related to Git and Docker. PR's are welcome.
// Download and extract
// OSX
curl -L | tar xvz --strip-components=2 '*handler'
// Linux
curl -L | tar xvz --strip-components=2 --wildcards '*handler'
// Place in Path
mv handler /usr/local/bin
cm Clears all local branches merged into checkout out branch
u Updates current branch in repo from origin and installs JS/PHP dependencies
dk Kills all running Docker containers
drs Removes all stopped Docker containers
ddi Removes all dangling Docker images
di Removes all Docker images
dp Purges all Docker containers, images, and volumes - Nuclear option
Docker Compose
dc Docker compose
dcu Docker compose up
dcd Docker compose down
fp Kill processes running on a specific port
iip Get instance IP from name
cu Get current aws iam user
skc Set the kube config from eks cluster
kc Get current K8 context
kcs Get available K8 contexts