Some utilities and settings to improve the function of Neovim's terminal capabilities.
- Make Esc the key that exits insert mode in a terminal window.
- Improved keys for navigating between windows.
- Switching between terminals and editing is a fairly common experience. These keys should make it easy to navigate back and forth so you can copy and paste as required.
- Make it easy to open new terminal windows:
- ,tj - open a new terminal window below the current window.
- ,tk - open a new terminal window above the current window.
- ,th - open a new terminal window to the left of the current window.
- ,tl - open a new terminal window to the right of the current window.
- ,t. - open a new terminal window in the current window.
- Make entering a terminal window automatically transition to insert mode when you enter it.
I use NeoBundle so this is an example of how to load this plugin in NeoBundle.
" Required:
call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle/'))
" Let NeoBundle manage NeoBundle
" Required:
NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim'
" You probably have a number of other plugins listed here.
" Add this line to make your new plugin load, assuming you haven't renamed it.
NeoBundle 'jacobsimpson/nvim-terminal-velocity'
call neobundle#end()
- Running nvim from inside a terminal window will open the file in a new window of the existing terminal, rather than creating a new instance of Neovim inside the current instance of Neovim.
- Open new terminals in the current directory of the actively edited file.
- An option to re-use the existing terminal if there is one with a matching path.