This is a proxy which can
- require the client use basic authentication
- require the client go through a captive portal
$ go get -u
$ go-authproxy -h # prints out help/usage
Force chrome to show basic authentication proxy connection UI:
# terminal A
$ go-authproxy -basic-auth user:pass # interrupt (e.g. <c-c>) to shutdown
# terminal B
$ chrome --proxy-server=""
# Require a captive portal
$ go-authproxy -captive-portal
# Require basic authentication
$ go-authproxy -basic-auth user:pass
# Require both
$ go-authproxy -basic-auth user:pass -captive-portal
# Basic auth on port 8080
$ go-authproxy -basic-auth -port 8080
The captive portal is shown when a file called dismiss-captive-portal
not present on disk in the current working directory. On startup,
go-authproxy automatically deletes this file. It can be manually deleted at
any time and the captive portal will be re-displayed.