- Katowice, Poland
- 1h ahead - https://jacklul.github.io
asuswrt-scripts Public
Collection of scripts that can run on stock Asus routers (also on Merlin's firmware and forks)
pihole-updatelists Public
Update Pi-hole's lists from remote sources easily
scripts Public
Various scripts that do not need their own repository. Most of them are for Linux / Raspberry Pi, Pi-hole or WireGuard
entware-pi-hole Public
Pi-hole as Entware package
entware-packages Public
Custom repository with extra packages, mainly for personal use
xupnpd2 Public
Forked from clark15b/xupnpd2eXtensible UPnP agent v.2 with tweaks and additions
monolog-telegram Public
Monolog handler that sends logs through Telegram bot to any chat in HTML format
rclone-backup-windows Public
A batch script to make using rclone for backups easier
USharpVideo-Subtitles Public
This prefab adds subtitles support to USharpVideo (or any other video player) in VRChat
inlinegamesbot Public
A Telegram bot providing games that can be played in any chat via inline keyboards.
nvml-scripts Public
Scripts to control NVIDIA GPUs using NVML API
rclone-backup Public
Simple script to backup files to the cloud service using rclone
CachyOS-Settings Public archive
Forked from CachyOS/CachyOS-SettingsSettings used for CachyOS
Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
mkinitcpio-nbhooks Public
Hook that makes other hooks run in a non-blocking way
mkinitcpio-encryptssh Public
A hook to allow cryptsetup unlock by both SSH and plymouth
asuswrt-usb-raspberry-pi Public
Connect Raspberry Pi to Asus router through USB port using Ethernet Gadget functionality
videojs-mpegtsjs Public
Working version of https://www.npmjs.com/package/videojs-mpegtsjs
jump-php7.4 Public
Forked from daledavies/jumpJump is a self-hosted startpage and real-time status page for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure. (PHP 7.4 fork)
pihole-readonly-rootfs Public
Installing Pi-hole on read-only rootfs system to prevent SD card corruption problem (with data partition for write-required stuff)
http-to-https-proxy Public
Forked from yeokm1/http-to-https-proxyA proxy that upgrades HTTP connections to HTTPS for systems which cannot make HTTPS requests.
WatchYourLAN Public archive
Forked from aceberg/WatchYourLANLightweight network IP scanner with web GUI (multiarch builds)
q3serverlist Public
Simple library for querying Quake 3 based master servers and it's game servers
simple-upnpd Public
Forked from victronenergy/simple-upnpdupnp daemon which only announces the presence of the device, this fork adds custom port and IPv6 support
C MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2023