A redis mock for node
The mock redis client barrows methods from node-redis-mock which was originally cloned from redis-mock. There are a few more implementations, like mset, mget, etc.
This project isn't a clone of mock-redis-client or mock-redis, rather it uses encapulation to inherit methods implemented by the base object. It's a cleaner way of extending the original works from both projects.
npm install mock-redis-client --save-dev
var MockRedisClient = require('mock-redis-client');
var client = new MockRedisClient();
Or if you need to mock redis itself, then do this:
var redis = require('mock-redis-client').createMockRedis();
var client = redis.createClient();
Currently implemented are the following:
- createClient
- end
- ready
- connect
- end
- subscribe
- unsubscribe
- message
- publish
- subscribe
- unsubscribe
- del
- keys
- exists
- expire
- get
- set
- incr
- mset
- mget
- hset
- hsetnx
- hget
- hexists
- hdel
- hlen
- hgetall
- hmset
- hkeys
- hincrby
- llen
- lpush
- rpush
- lpushx
- rpushx
- lpop
- rpop
- blpop
- brpop
- lindex
- lset
- rpoplpush
- flushdb
- flushall
- save
- lastsave
- time
- dbsize (always returns zero)
- ping
- multi
- exec
- every previous supported commands can be chained
make test
make watch
grunt mochaTest jshint validate-package
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