This project was another bordom-fighting exercise. It shows the positions of the planets at a particular date and time.
It also lets you "play" the animation through at about ~30 FPS (which ticks at a rate of 1 day per frame).
The maths used in this project is from Paul Schlyter, and I encourage you to read it as he explains it very well.
Using Makerfabs' ESP32 Touch with Camera (capacitive)
Which has:
- 3.5inch TFT ILI9488
- SD card Reader
- I2C Touch Screen (NS2009 or FT6236)
- OV2640 Camera
Install Bodmer's TFT_eSPI library and:
- In
- Comment out ALL setups except
#include <User_Setup.h>
- Comment out ALL setups except
- In
- Change the contents to the one in this repo.
- In
- Head to the bottom and move
#include <Extensions/Button.cpp>
out of the#if TOUCH_CS
- Head to the bottom and move
Install NTPClient
Lots of code and main inspiration from dr-mod's repo!
Sprites generated using image2cpp