Geant4 simulation of liquid argon detector written from scratch that focuses on CEvNS glow and associated processes.
Code is written as to support adding multiple types of events and switching amongst them.
- Isotropically distributed photons originating from a vertex, assumed to be the location of the cevns event
- Location: Randomly sampled in the liquid argon detector dimensions
- Photon energy distribution: Uniform 123 nm - 133 nm
- Number of photons: WIP. Currently set at 30 (need to change based on recoil energy)
- Directions of photons: Three vector in random direction
- Time of event: WIP, needs to be sampled from (garching rate times CEvNS event rate)
- Isotropically distributed photons originating from a vertex, assumed to be the location of the cevns event
Radioactive decay:
Charged events:
- DuneFDDetectorConstruction
- 3.6m by 12m by 56m liquid argon box, and YZ surface on positive x side is assumed to be sensitive SiPM detector. Currently assuming 100% detection efficiency.