Lawn and Order - Collection of Code, Resources, Docs, and Static website for UVA ECE Capstone
Working Redis Server on static IP that is known to all devices.
1. Map/Boundary is Set
User sets boundary position vectors for the work area.
2. Robot Comes Online
Once robot connects to central WiFi node, it is responsible for connecting to RedisDB and publishing
it's unique identifing marker (UID) and name to channel fieldObjects
. The robot will then subscribe to a channel entitled
. It will recieve position vector on this channel.
3. Navigation Server
The navigation server must get from map-configuration
to receive up to date boundary position vectors and subscribe to system-updates
to receive updates whenever the map is changed to then pull from map-configuration
Each object will come from CV server with a UID, which is read from marker on the robot. That UID will dictate which
channel navigation info will be published to.
No configuration necessary.
Redis based message queue. There are three actors in the current network:
1. Computer Vision Server
Input: Video Feed of field
Output: Publish, JSON Object describing field
2. Navigation Server
Input: Subscribe, JSON Object describing field
Output: Publish, Robot Specific message containing position vector and theta angle
3. Robot
Input: Subscribe, message with postition vector and theta angle
Output: Publish, error messages
4. UI
Input: Subscribe, Current Application State
Output: Publish, field boundaries/Application Configuration
Field Objects
message: {
objects: [{
uid: 9183,
position: {
x: 412.4,
y: 1235.9
angle: 358.8
time: 12341234,
sender: "cv-server"
Robot Directions
message: {
objects: [{
uid: 9183,
position: {
x: 412.4,
y: 1235.9
angle: 358.8
time: 12348030,
sender: "navigation-server"
- install MQTT Mosquitto
- modify
by adding:
listener 1883
protocol mqtt
listener 11883
protocol websockets
- Run using
/usr/local/sbin/mosquitto -c /usr/local/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf