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jabiercoding edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Module Robocode Framework wiki!

This framework separates the bot in a set of predefined Parts and automatically handle many information about the battle so you do not need to care about it.

The parts are:

  • Radar
  • Movement
  • Targeting
  • Gun (selecting the power and firing)
  • SelectEnemy (the strategy to select the current enemy among all the enemies)

An example of each Part is provided in the corresponding Java package.

Setting up

  • Module and ModuleTester are Eclipse projects, to use it easily you should install EclipseIDE.
  • On EclipseIDE, click right on "Package Explorer" view, click on "import" and import the Module and ModuleTester projects.

Your bot in action

  • In the build folder there is an ant file that will automatically create the jar files of the bot and it will prepare the robot for testing : Right click on build.ant file -> Run As -> Ant Build. Press F5 in the build folder to see the "ready to use" robots. If the build failed because the ant was unable to find a javac compiler, then download an Eclipse JDK so you will have something like C:\java\jdk1.8.0_121. Then, in Eclipse menu, go to Window -> Preferences. Then Java -> Installed JREs, Add and select the downloaded JDK.
  • In the ModuleTester project there are some Java main methods that can be used to launch the battles directly to see the built robot in action. For example right click on file -> Run As -> Java Application. You have other main methods to get CodeSize, to launch other kinds of battles and to launch RoboRunner with your bot.
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