Releases: jaavier/sider
Releases · jaavier/sider
func Incr(key string) int64
func Decr(key string) int64
func GetCounter(key string) int64
Delete Item from list by index or content
# New Features
- Delete Item by index: You can use it in combination with IndexOf function.
func DeleteItemByIndex(listName string, index int) bool
- Delete item by content: Content must match exactly the content in your list
func DeleteItemByContent(listName string, item string) bool
Delete Keys and Lists
New Features
- Delete Key
func DeleteKey(key string) error
- Delete List
func DeleteList(listName string) error
Manage lists
- GetList: Load list by list name
- LPush: Push element in list at left
- RPush: Push element in list at right
- Pop: Pop element from list at left or right
- LLen: Get length of list
- IndexOf: Get index of element in list
- ReplaceList: Replace list by index
- CountList: Get length of list
Manage keys:
- Set: Add a new key
- Get: Read value of key
More features
- Expire keys and lists
- Persistence on disk