Automatically rename TV series episode files into a format Jellyfin expects
> jellyfy -series="The Expanse" -season=6 ~/Downloads/The.Expanse.S06.WEBDL.1080p
Folder renamed successfully
The.Expanse.S06E01.WEBDL.1080p….mkv -> The Expanse S06E01.mkv
The.Expanse.S06E06.….mkv -> The Expanse S06E06.mkv
-force_folder # Proceed even if folder already exists
-replace_title # Replace the metadata title with file name in mkv files
requires mkvpropedit
from mkvtoolnix
to be installed. brew install mkvtoolnix
on macOS.
Replace darwin
and arm64
with your target platform and architecture
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -o build/jellyfy_mac_arm64
Or for local install
go install .
zip -9 -r "build/" build/jellyfy_mac_arm64