Manage OTP tokens used by the Citrix ADC
For more details, view my blog article
Just execute "OTP4ADC.ps1" and you will be presented with a GUI.
You can run and set option via the commandline, without using the GUI. You need to specify multiple options
# CLI: Edit one user
C:\OTP4ADC\OTP4ADC.ps1 -GatewayURI <String> -Attribute <String> -Username <String> -DeviceName <String> -ExportPath <String> [-QRSize <Int32>] [-TokenText <String>] [-ReplaceTokens] [-Thumbprint <String>]
# CLI: Edit one user with specifying your own secret
C:\OTP4ADC\OTP4ADC.ps1 -GatewayURI <String> -Attribute <String> -Username <String> -DeviceName <String> -Secret <String> [-QRSize <Int32>] [-TokenText <String>] [-ReplaceTokens] [-Thumbprint <String>]
#CLI: Bulk import a CSV (with or without specifying your own secret)
C:\OTP4ADC\OTP4ADC.ps1 -GatewayURI <String> -Attribute <String> -CsvPath <FileInfo> [-Delimiter <String>] [-ExportPath <String>] [-QRSize <Int32>] [-TokenText <String>] [-ReplaceTokens] [-Thumbprint <String>]
EXAMPLE: add edit a user
Optional parameters are:
- "-Secret" => Specify your own BASE32 secret
- "-QRSize" => option to change the default image resolution
- "-TokenText" => 1, 2 or 3. How the text is being presented in the Authenticator
- "-ReplaceTokens" => to "overwrite" the current specified secrets for the given user (default will be added to the list)
- "-Thumbprint" => Only usable when Powershell Core (v7 or higner) is used Option to specify the thumbprint of a certificate used to encrypt the secrets in AD
C:\OTP4ADC\OTP4ADC.ps1 -attribute userParameters -GatewayURI -username -DeviceName Mobile -ExportPath C:\export
EXPLANATION: Edit a user named "[email protected]" and add a newly generated secret for device "Mobile" to the attribute "userParameters". When done export the QR PNG to the directory "C:\export"
You can also bulk import a csv (with or without specifying your own secrets)
CSV file (users.csv) without Secrets
"[email protected]","Mobile"
"[email protected]","Mobile"
CSV file (users.csv) with Secrets
"[email protected]","Mobile","BASE32SECRET"
"[email protected]","Mobile","BASE32SECRET"
Optional parameters are:
- "-Delimiter" => Specifying a different delimiter for your CSV than the "default" comma ","
- "-ExportPath" => where the QR-images of the generated secrets are being stored
- "-QRSize" => option to change the default image resolution
- "-TokenText" => 1, 2 or 3. How the text is being presented in the Authenticator
- "-ReplaceTokens" => to "overwrite" the current specified secrets for the given user (default will be added to the list)
- "-Thumbprint" => Only usable when Powershell v7 or higner is used) Option to specify the thumbprint of a certificate used to encrypt the secrets in AD
You can "import" the CSV by using the "-FileImport" parameter.
NOTE: When not defining your own secret, please don't forget to specify an "ExportPath" by specifying the "-ExportPath" parameter!
NOTE: If secrets are detected the QR-image won't be generated!
C:\OTP4ADC\OTP4ADC.ps1 -attribute userParameters -GatewayURI -ExportPath C:\export -FileImport
EXPLANATION: Edit all users specified tin the CSV-file (add a newly generated secret if omitted for device specified in the CSV) to the attribute "userParameters".
The GatewayURI is specified as
When done export the QR PNG to the directory "C:\export", if a new secret was generated and not specified in the CSV.