This plugin completes keywords in Vim Cmdline mode
(a.k.a. Command-line mode
If you are using a Vim plugin management tool, for instance, Pathogen, then just clone this repository to './bundle'
cd bundle
git clone
When editing the command-line, press <C-j>
or <C-k>
to complete the word before the cursor with the
matched keywords found in the current buffer and $MYVIMRC (not supported if Vim compiled without
support), if any.
If you want to use other keys instead of default <C-j>
to trigger the completion, please
define them in $MYVIMRC
as follows:
cmap <c-p> <Plug>CmdlineCompleteBackward
cmap <c-n> <Plug>CmdlineCompleteForward
This will use <C-p>
to search backward and forward.
Without python, the complete speed will be a bit slow with large file (e.g. > 100K). Compile your vim with python is recommended.