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Implementation of google play games services for Godot 3.2.2 and up

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Google play games service implementation for Godot 3.2.2 and up

This is still work in progress and might not work as expected. You'll have to compile this yourselve if you want to test this.

Compilation from source

  • Download or clone this repository
  • Download corresponding version of godot-lib.aar package from here and place it again in GodotGooglePlayGamesServicesLib\libs folder
  • Open this project in atleast Android Studio 4 and run gradlew build from terminal to build the debug and release aar libs
  • Build output (GodotGooglePlayGamesServicesLib/build/outputs/aar) can be copied to Godot projects android\plugins


First go over how to setup Google play games as mentioned here

  • In Godot open up the Android export template settings by going to Project -> Export.
    • Select Android and enable custom build.
    • Install custom android build template.
    • Add ids.xml file with app_id inside android\build\res\values\ids.xml
    • Add the following 2 lines to your app manifest between <application> tags
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/app_id" />
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version"/>
  • Open up the Godots projects android folder and create a folder called plugins if it isn't there.
  • Place the GodotGooglePlayGamesServicesLib.aar inside the freshly created plugins folder along with GodotGooglePlayGamesServicesLib.gdap
  • The min SDK version will need a update so open up the android\build\config.gradle and update minSdkVersion to 21
  • Package name should be changed in Project -> Export -> Android -> Plugins -> Package -> Unique Name to the one you registered in Google Play Games
  • Last thing is to enable this plugin under Project -> Export -> Android -> Plugins and check the checkbox besides Godot Google Play Games Services

Also there's an example godot project that shows you how to use this

var gps = null

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
	if Engine.has_singleton("GooglePlayGamesServices"):
		gps = Engine.get_singleton("GooglePlayGamesServices")
		gps.connect("onConnected", self, "_on_Connected") # register callback for UnityAdsReady
		gps.connect("onDisconnected", self, "_on_Disconnected") # Register callback when video add is finished
		gps.initialise(true, false) # requestProfile data - True, requestEmail - False

func _on_Connected():
	print(gps.getAccountInfo()) #returns account info in JSON or empty string if theres an error. If you didnt request email or profile data no info will be provided

func _on_Disconnected():

func _on_Login_pressed():
	gps.signInSilently() # logs in silently if it cant then runs signin intent

func _on_Unlock_pressed():
	gps.unlockAchievement("<Acheavement ID>") #also incrementAchievement("<Acheavement ID>") can be called to increment acheavement progress

func _on_Scores_pressed():
	gps.showLeaderboards() # Should show leaderboards

func _on_Achievements_pressed():
	gps.showAchievements() # Should show Achievements

func _on_ReportScore_pressed():
	gps.reportScore("<Leaderboard ID>", 13370) #this reports score to leaderboard

func _on_SignOut_pressed():
	gps.signOut() # Signs out if we are signed in


  • There might be some steps missing in setup guide
  • Events are not implemented
  • Might need more fields in Account info


You are welcome to contribute, just create a feature branch and create a pull request after you are done with your changes :)


Implementation of google play games services for Godot 3.2.2 and up






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