(All in One) Pty & Terminal package for Go with an encrypted remote shell as example.
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- Provide unified Pty and Terminal support for Windows (WinXP~Win11), Linux, Darwin, Dragonfly, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris.
- Optimize the poor experience on Windows using ConPty and WinPty.
- Integrate Pty behavior on Unix-like systems into NixPty, and respectively provide implementations based on native Go and CGO.
- No package dependencies, compatible with the majority of Go versions.
- Based on this package, develop and release an encrypted remote shell as example that supports both forward and reverse TCP connections.
package main
import (
func main() {
// open a pty with options
opt := &pty.Options{
Path: "cmd.exe",
Args: []string{"cmd.exe", "/c", "powershell.exe"},
Dir: "",
Env: nil,
Size: &pty.WinSize{
Cols: 120,
Rows: 30,
Type: "",
p, err := pty.OpenWithOptions(opt)
// You can also open a pty simply like this:
// p, err := pty.Open(path)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to create pty: %v", err)
defer p.Close()
// When the terminal window size changes, synchronize the size of the pty
onSizeChange := func(cols, rows uint16) {
size := &pty.WinSize{
Cols: cols,
Rows: rows,
// enable terminal
t, err := term.Open(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, onSizeChange)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to enable terminal: %v", err)
defer t.Close()
// start data exchange between terminal and pty
exit := make(chan struct{}, 2)
go func() { io.Copy(p, t); exit <- struct{}{} }()
go func() { io.Copy(t, p); exit <- struct{}{} }()
- If you need to use this package in a Go version lower than
, please note that:- If you need to use Go modules, modify the Go version in the
file to1.11
. (due to golang/go#43980) - If you need to use WinPty on Windows, please manually copy the winpty library files from
to the directory where your current program resides. Please note that the architecture of the winpty library files needs to match the architecture of the current program.
- If you need to use Go modules, modify the Go version in the
Based on this package, I develop and release an encrypted remote shell as example that supports both forward and reverse TCP connections. See Releases. Here is how to use it.
1) aiopty master -l/-c ADDRESS [-k KEY] [-d]
2) aiopty slave -l/-c ADDRESS --cmd CMDLINE [-k KEY] [-t TYPE] [-d]
master: enable terminal
slave: open a pty
-l, --listen ADDRESS
Listen on ADDRESS using tcp. (must choose either -l or -c)
-c, --connect ADDRESS
Connect to ADDRESS using tcp. (must choose either -l or -c)
-k, --key KEY
Encrypt data with the KEY. (optional)
CMDLINE is the command to run. If there are spaces, they must be enclosed
in double quotes. (for slave mode, required)
-t, --type TYPE
Pty TYPE, including nixpty, conpty, winpty. (for slave mode, optional)
-d, --debug (optional)
-h, --help (optional)
for example:
aiopty-windows-amd64.exe slave -l --cmd "cmd.exe /c powershell.exe" -k secret
aiopty-windows-amd64.exe master -c -k secret
Welcome to your issues and pull requests.
This package is released under the MIT License.