is the malloc challenge. Please read this doc and malloc/malloc.c for more information.visualizer/
contains a visualizer of malloc traces.
Your task is implement a better malloc logic in malloc.c to improve the speed and memory usage.
# clone this repo
git clone
# move into malloc dir
cd malloc_challenge
cd malloc
# build
# run a benchmark (for score board)
make run
# run a small benchmark for tracing (NOT for score board, just for visualization and debugging purpose)
make run_trace
If the commands above don't work, please make sure the following packages are installed:
# For Debian-based OS
sudo apt install make clang
Alternatively, you can build and run the challenge directly by running:
gcc -Wall -O3 -lm -o malloc_challenge.bin main.c malloc.c simple_malloc.c
This work is based on xharaken's malloc_challenge.c. Thank you haraken-san!