This workflow uses paired-end illumina trimmed reads fastq(.gz) files and executes the following steps:
- Assembly raw reads to a final contig fasta file
- Shovill
- Quality control of the assembly
- Quast
- Bandage to plot assembly graph
- Refseqmasher to identify the closed reference genome
- Aggregating outputs into a single JSON file
- ToolDistillator to extract and aggregate information from different tool outputs to JSON parsable files
- Paired-end illumina trimmed reads in fastq(.gz) format.
- Assembly:
- Assembly with contig in fasta
- Mapped read on assembly in bam format
- Graph assembly in gfa format
- Quality of Assembly:
- Assembly report
- Assembly Graph
- Tabular result of closed reference genome
- Aggregating outputs
- JSON file with information about the outputs of Shovill, Quast, Bandage, Refseqmasher