This workflow uses assembled bacterial genome fasta files (but can be any fasta file) and executes the following steps:
- Genomic detection
- Antimicrobial resistance gene identification:
- staramr to blast against ResFinder and PlasmidFinder database
- AMRFinderPlus to find antimicrobial resistance genes and point mutations
- Virulence gene identification:
- ABRicate with VFDB_A database
- Antimicrobial resistance gene identification:
- Aggregating outputs into a single JSON file
- ToolDistillator to extract and aggregate information from different tool outputs to JSON parsable files
- Assembled bacterial genome in fasta format.
- Genomic detection
- Antimicrobial resistance gene identification:
- AMR gene list
- MLST typing
- Plasmid gene identification
- Blast hits
- AMR gene fasta (assembled nucleotide sequences)
- Point mutation list
- Virulence gene identification:
- Gene identification in tabular format
- Antimicrobial resistance gene identification:
- Aggregating outputs:
- JSON file with information about the outputs of staramr, AMRFinderPlus, ABRicate