A Telegram bot that reads birthday dates from a Google Spreadsheet and posts a message to a Telegram group in case it's someone's birthday. Sweet!
Requires Python 3.6 and pyTelegramBotAPI package
Provide your settings through config.json file:
- api_token: your Telegram bot API token
- cache_file: file to store data last read from a spreadsheet. Default: .hbdcache.
- sheet_id: ID of your Spreadsheet taken from the URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/**1ZeNzpGJr4ouXqg_AoyA7WYuMP3exgMBvr8QE85M081Q**/edit#gid=0
- sheet_name: name of the sheet with data (see below for expected format)
- chat_name: name of Telegram group to post messages to, as @telegramgroup
- report_name: name of Telegram group to post log messages to, as @telegramgroup
- log_file: path to local log file, default hbdbot.log
Expected data format:
Date | Name | Telegram handle |
25.04 | Name (UTF-8) | @telegramhandle |
usage: hbd.py [-h] [-C [CONFIG]] [-L]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C [CONFIG], --config [CONFIG]
Path to json config file
-L, --local Use local cache without reading a spreadsheet
Run bot script via scheduler at any desired interval. Example for cron:
0 10 * * * python3 /hbdbot/hbd.py -C config.json &>/hbdbot/cron_job.log
Local cache file is automatically updated whenever the bot successfully reads from the Spreadsheet provided. However you can create or update it manually and ditch spreadsheets altogether. Local cache uses json format, where for each date as DD.MM persons and telegram handles are stored as a nested array:
"01.10": [
"Другой пользователь",