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Botfront Helm Charts

This repo contains 2 charts:

  • botfront: the Botfront platform
  • botfront-project: The Rasa project connected to Botfront,

Both charts need to be installed.


  • Kubernetes 1.18+
  • Helm 3.4+
  • Persistent volume provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure

Add the repository

helm repo add botfront



Given that there's quite a few parameters to set, we recommend using a config file. This is a minimal config.yaml you could start with:

    # The complete external host of the Botfront application (eg. It must be set even if running on a private or local DNS (it populates the ROOT_URL).

  enabled: true # disable to use an external mongoDB host
  # Username of the MongoDB user that will have read-write access to the Botfront database. This is not the root user
  mongodbUsername: username
  # Password of the MongoDB user that will have read-write access to the Botfront database. This is not the root user
  mongodbPassword: password
  # MongoDB root password
  mongodbRootPassword: rootpassword
helm install botfront -f config.yaml  --namespace botfront botfront/botfront --create-namespace


helm upgrade -f config.yaml botfront --namespace botfront-project botfront botfront/botfront


helm install -n my_project --namespace botfront botfront/botfront-project \

When the chart is installed you will get further instructions to finalize the setup of your project. Here is an example:

The Helm chart was succesfully installed on your cluster.
Please execute the following instructions to complete your project's setup.

1. Your Rasa instance is available at the following URL:

2. Set the following in your Settings > Endpoints:

  type: 'rasa_addons.core.nlg.GraphQLNaturalLanguageGenerator'
  url: 'http://botfront-app-service.botfront/graphql'
  url: 'http://your.actions.server/webhook' # Change that if you have actions
  store_type: rasa_addons.core.tracker_stores.AnalyticsTrackerStore
  # The URL below might be different if you installed Botfront in another namespace.
  url: 'http://botfront-webhooks-service.botfront'
  project_id: 'bf'

3a. If using Rasa Webchat Open Source, set the following credentials:

  session_persistence: true
  base_url: http://rasa.botfront.local

3b. If using Rasa Webchat Pro, set the following credentials:

  session_persistence: true
  base_url: http://rasa.botfront.local

4. Set the Rasa instance internal URL in Settings > Instance:

Enterprise customers: you must repeat this step for each Botfront project (change the release name)

To upgrade a Rasa project

helm upgrade -f values-project.yaml my-project --namespace botfront-project botfront/botfront-project

Parameters reference


Parameter Description Default
botfront.version Botfront API Docker image v1.0.3 Botfront Docker image botfront/botfront Botfront host (e.g nil Key to protect the GraphQL API nil Botfront API Docker image botfront/botfront-api
botfront.ingress.enabled Enable Ingress true
botfront.ingress.nginx.enabled Enable if the nginx-ingress controller is installed (and used) on the cluster true
botfront.ingress.tlsSecretName Optional. Name of the secret containing the TLS certificate. If not set, SSL will be disabled nil
botfront.ingress.tlsHost Optional. Host associated with the TLS certificate (may contain a wildcard) nil
botfront.imagePullSecret Name of the secret containing the credentials to pull images from a private Docker repo nil

Botfront project (Rasa) parameters

Parameter Description Default
projectId ProjectId bf
botfront.graphQLEndpoint Should have the form http://<botfront-service>.<botfront-namespace>/graphql nil
botfront.graphQLKey Botfront GraphQL API key nil
rasa.image Rasa image botfront/rasa-for-botfront:2.2.5-bf.5
rasa.authToken Rasa authentication token nil Rasa instance host nil
ingress.tlsSecretName Name of the secret containing the certificate nil
ingress.nginx.enableSessionAffinity enable sticky session see Working with multiple rasa instances for details true
ingress.nginx.enableSockets enable use of sockets for conversations channels with rasa true
duckling.url If set, the URL will be set as the RASA_DUCKLING_HTTP_URL environment variable to the Rasa deployment nil

Duckling parameters

Parameter Description Default
duckling.enabled Enable Duckling in this chart true
botfront.image Duckling image botfront/duckling:latest

MongoDB parameters

Botfront stores its data in a MongoDB database. A MongoDB deployment (stable/mongodb chart) is included in this chart and can be optionally installed. If you're using Botfront in a production environment, consider adding your own deployment, or using a managed service. And configure automated backups :)

Parameter Description Default
mongodb.mongodbUsername The name of the user accessing the Botfront database (must not be root) bfrw
mongodb.mongodbPassword The password of the user accessing the Botfront database (must not be root) nil
mongodb.mongodbHostsAndPorts MongoDB server botfront-mongodb-service.botfront:27017
mongodb.mongodbQueryString MongoDB connection query string &retryWrites=true
mongodb.mongodbRootPassword MongoDB root password (only required if mongodb.enabled is set nil
mongodb.mongodbOplogUsername Optional. Considerable database performance gains nil
mongodb.mongodbOplogPassword Optional. Considerable database performance gains nil
mongodb.enabled Set to true to add MongoDB to this deployment false

Important If you are using the provided MongoDB deployment, mongodb.mongodbHost must follow the following pattern: <release-name>-mongodb-service.<namespace>

Mongo Express parameters

Mongo Express is a web-based client for MongoDB. You can optionally add Mongo Express to your deployment

Parameter Description Default
mongo-express.enabled Set to true to enable a Mongo Express deployment false
mongo-express.basicAuthUsername The Basic Auth username to access the Mongo Express interface nil
mongo-express.basicAuthPassword The Basic Auth password to access the Mongo Express interface nil
mongo-express.mongodbAdminPassword MongoDB root password nil
mongo-express.mongodbServer MongoDB server nil
mongo-express.hosts[0].host Mongo Express host botfront-mongodb-service.botfront
mongo-express.hosts[0].paths[0] Mongo Express host path. You must set it to / nil
mongo-express.tls[0].hosts[0] Optional. The host associated to your certificate nil
mongo-express.tls[0].secretName Optional. Secret containing your certificate nil

Important If you are using the provided MongoDB deployment, mongodb.mongodbHost must follow the following pattern: <release-name>-mongodb-service.<namespace>

Scaling Rasa instances

Two mechanisms can ensure tracker consistency when scaling horizontally:

  • A sticky session ties a conversation to a single Rasa instance. So the load balancer cannot change the Rasa instance dynamically during the conversation.
  • A lock store centralizes the conversation state and makes sure no race condition occurs if the load balancer spreads the conversation across several instances.

Important :

    1. Sockets need to stick with the same instance. The Rasa Webchat requires session affinity Rasa chart enables sticky sessions by default.
    1. Botfront does not provide a model server. Trained models are persisted on persistent volume that is shared across instances. However, if you have more than one instance, you need to rollout restart your Rasa deployment to make sure each instance loads the latest model.

Model server

TO-DO once a model server is setup


Enable and configure redis

Redis is a data structure store, used by rasa as a lockstore it ensure that incoming messages are processed in the right order.

Parameter Description Default
redis.enabled Set to true to enable redis false
redis.usePassword Enable password authentication for connecting to redis true The password value, if not set will be randomly generated nil

Lockstore configuration

Once redis is enabled you will need to update the endpoints in botfront so rasa is able to use it. here is an example of what you should add to the configuration :

  type: "redis"
  url: botfront-redis-master.<your namespace>
  port: 6379
  password: <your password>
  db: 0 #

Sticky Session

This is enabled by default. If you are using a lockstore, you will need to disable it or the lockstore serve it purpose. in your rasa values set ingress.nginx.enableSessionAffinity to false`

Pulling from a CGP private registry

Obtain your key.json file:

  1. Create a docker-registry secret in your cluster
kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-json-key \
  --docker-server= \
  --docker-username=_json_key \
  --docker-password="$(cat key.json)" \
  --namespace botfront
  1. Patch the default service account (or the service account pulling images in your pods) in the namespace Botfront is deployed in.
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "gcr-json-key"}]}' --namespace botfront
  1. Set botfront.imagePullSecret to gcr-json-key


Botfront Helm charts






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