This chat server accepts TCP connections, and allows users to broadcast messages, change their nickname, and of course, disconnect. You can connect to the chat server using a utility like netcat or telnet.
Install the chat server using one of these methods:
- Run
go install
- Directly downloading a release
- Building from source, after downloading or cloning this repository, by running
make build
- Run the chat server:
$ chatserver
INFO [0000] listening for connections on :40001 - press CTRL-c to stop the chat server
- Connect to the chat server, and set your nickname:
$ nc localhost 40001
Well hello there!
Anything you type will be sent to all other users of this chat server.
A line that begins with a slash (/) is considered a command - enter /help for a list of valid commands.
-> [::1]:57715 has joined the chat
/nickname Ivan
-> "[::1]:57715" is now known as "Ivan"
Hello, to anyone else who is connected!
> Hello, to anyone else who is connected!
You're leaving? Ok - have a nice day. :)
When you are done using it, exit the chat server by pressing CTRL-c.