- Unzip the 192_final_project.zip file
- cd to the penncourserec project
- Use python manage.py runserver to run the application
- / - this is the splash page where users can proceed to the bubbles page or the learn more page
- /select - this is the bubbles page where users can select courses they've previously taken and liked. Note that all bubbles are set to unselected everytime this page is visited.
- /recommend - this is the page where users will see 3 courses recommended to them
- /course?code=course_code - this is the course page, where all information relevant to a course with code "course_code" can be viewed
- /learnmore - this is the page where users can learn more about the tech behind penncourserec
- /about - this is the page where users can learn about the app's creators - Priyansh and Ivan!
Use the ELMo model found here: (http://magnitude.plasticity.ai/elmo/light/elmo_2x2048_256_2048cnn_1xhighway_weights.magnitude)
Download it directly to the top penncourserec/ directory and rename it to 'elmo-light-1536D.magnitude'.
As of now, we didn't build a scraper using the PennLabs API and instead just manually added a few classes. To do the same, create a superuser and add courses in the Courses model accordingly. A scraper is a feature we hope to add in the future.