This application uses the Springshare LibCal API for making room reservations through simple and quick user interfaces.
- Composer
- OAuth 2.0 Client
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap datepicker
Authenticates and makes request to LibCal to retrieve JSON data.
Retrieve details and availability for a given room on a particular date:
$options = array('id' => 123, 'date' => '2021-04-01');
$room_api = new APIFetch('item', $options);
$room_json = $room_api->getJSON();
$room_array = json_decode($room_json, true, 256);
Authenticate and post request to LibCal. Returns JSON reply.
$cancellation = new APISend('cancel');
$result = $cancellation->cancel('ab_123');
Helper functions for gathering data to present on web pages.
Get a list of rooms
$rooms = array();
$cats = api_get_cats(); // Get all room categories
foreach($cats as $cat){
$cat_rooms = api_get_rooms($cat['cid'], false); // Get rooms in category
foreach($cat_rooms as $cat_room){
array_push($rooms, $cat_room);