If you've just downloaded the code, congratulations!!
To get it working, follow these steps:
Download Composer dependencies
Make sure you have Composer installed and then run:
composer install
You may alternatively need to run php composer.phar install
, depending
on how you installed Composer.
Start the Symfony web server
You can use Nginx or Apache, but Symfony's local web server works even better.
To install the Symfony local web server, follow "Downloading the Symfony client" instructions found here: https://symfony.com/download - you only need to do this once on your system.
Then, to start the web server, open a terminal, move into the project, and run:
symfony serve
(If this is your first time using this command, you may see an
error that you need to run symfony server:ca:install
Now check out the site at https://localhost:8000
Have fun!
Optional: Webpack Encore Assets
This app uses Webpack Encore for the CSS, JS and image files. But to keep life simple, the final, built assets are already inside the project. So... you don't need to do anything to get thing set up!
If you do want to build the Webpack Encore assets manually, you totally can! Make sure you have yarn installed and then run:
yarn install
yarn encore dev --watch
Install doctrine: composer require orm
Install database docker container: php bin/console make:docker:database
List containers to see the ports: docker-compose ps
Connecting to MySQL Docker container: docker-compose exec database mysql -u root --password=password
Stopping the container: docker-compose down
Starting the container: docker-compose up -d
See what env variables symfony binary is exporting to our app: symfony var:export --multiline
Create database: symfony console doctrine:database:create