I've stopped maintaining this project !
Vectorized, Accelerated Rescue Prime Hash Function Implementation, using OpenCL
I've already implemented ZkSTARK-friendly Rescue Prime Hash function for 64-bit prime field 2^64 - 2^32 + 1
, using SYCL/ DPC++, targeting accelerators, running in Data Parallel environments. But in that implementation Rescue Hash state is represented in terms of array of 12 field elements. So I can't make use of vector intrinsics for operating on state, while applying Rescue permutation rounds. Anyway Rescue Prime hash function itself is not parallel, so it's only useful if we've lots of same width input to operate on, we can offload computation onto accelerators. Which is why I decided to take advantage of available vector intrinsics for representing and operating on Rescue Hash state. But note, Rescue Hash function has a fixed state width of 12 and in OpenCL, I can't have a vector of length 12. So instead I'm using ulong16
, which is a 16-element wide vector with each element being unsigned 64-bit integer, for representing hash state. This comes with an extra cost, as you've guessed. When I've M x N -many independent Rescue Prime Hashes to be computed, each of those M x N -many OpenCL work-items need to spend 4 * 64 bits = 256-bits for padding Rescue Hash state, so that I can use ulong16
, but only first 12 elements are useful. I'm required to waste M x N x 32 -bytes of memory, when computing M x N -many independent hashes. But computation itself should be fast, because when using vector intrinsics for operating on Hash state, OpenCL device compiler should generate machine code which can make use of SIMD instructions very well.
As an application of Rescue Prime Hash function, I've implemented OpenCL accelerated Merkle Tree Construction function, where tree leaves are expected and all intermediate nodes are computed in parallel ( though somewhat involved due to complicated data dependency )
64-bit Prime field of interest.
You may want to read about Rescue Prime Hash function.
My implementation collects quite a lot of motivation from here
My other implementation of Rescue Prime Hash, in SYCL/ DPC++, non-vectorized.
Benchmark results of SYCL/ DPC++ Rescue Prime Hash function.
- You must have OpenCL development headers and ICD installed. Take a look here
- You may also install
, just to get an overview of your OpenCL installation.
sudo apt-get install clinfo
- GCC is required for compiling host code.
$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
- You'll also need to have
- Just run 👇 to compile host code; device code compilation is done at runtime.
- Run executable using
- It should run some standard test cases against kernels and finally a benchmark suite is run on Rescue Prime
kernel function, along with an application of rescue prime hash, where I compute intermediate nodes of merkle tree, given all leaves, usingbuild_merkle_nodes
You probably want to take a look at vectorized
OpenCL kernels, if you want to use it in your project.
For accelerated Merkle Tree construction routine, check out this
You can find relevant examples here
For setting up benchmark in data parallel environment, I use one 2D computational grid of size M x N, and launch hash_elements
, merge
kernels with input of size M x N x 8. So each work-item will read 8 randomly generated 64-bit prime field elements and total of M x N-many independent hashes to be computed/ merging of hash digests to be performed. Output to be written into global memory with OpenCL vector store intrinsics. For writing output I provide with one buffer of size M x N x 4, so that each work-item can produce output of width 4-prime field elements i.e. 256-bits. In following benchmark results I only show time to compute hash/ merge by enabling profiling in command queue, host-device and device-host data transfer costs are not included, though they are performed just to ensure compiler doesn't end up optimizing too much so that benchmark suite doesn't run kernels as I expect it to be run.
I also benchmark routine where I compute all intermediate nodes of Merkle Tree, using Rescue Prime Hash function. I supply kernel with N-many random leaves of Merkle Tree, where N = power of 2. Due to somewhat complicated access patterns and data dependencies, Merkle Tree construction routine enqueues multiple kernel dispatches. In following benchmark results, only execution of all those kernel dispatches are computed ( i.e. summed together ), no device <-> host data transfer cost in considered, though performed ( explicitly ).
make && ./run
running on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 @ 2.30GHz
kernel build log:
Compilation started
Compilation done
Linking started
Linking done
Device build started
Options used by backend compiler: -cl-std=CL2.0 -w
Device build done
Kernel <test_apply_sbox> was not vectorized
Kernel <test_reduce_sum_vec2> was successfully vectorized (8)
Kernel <test_apply_mds> was not vectorized
Kernel <test_apply_inv_sbox> was not vectorized
Kernel <test_apply_rescue_permutation> was not vectorized
Kernel <hash_elements> was not vectorized
Kernel <merge> was not vectorized
Kernel <build_merkle_tree_tip_seq> was not vectorized
passed apply_sbox tests !
passed apply_inv_sbox tests !
passed apply_rescue_permutation tests !
passed apply_mds tests !
passed reduce_sum_vec2 tests !
passed merge tests !
passed build_merkle_nodes tests !
Rescue Prime Hash Benchmark
hash_elements 128 x 128 345.25 ms 47455.50 hashes/ sec
hash_elements 256 x 256 1382.75 ms 47395.51 hashes/ sec
hash_elements 512 x 512 5473.14 ms 47896.49 hashes/ sec
hash_elements 1024 x 1024 22283.28 ms 47056.63 hashes/ sec
Rescue Prime Merge Benchmark
merge 128 x 128 342.02 ms 47903.70 merges/ sec
merge 256 x 256 1369.43 ms 47856.36 merges/ sec
merge 512 x 512 5509.15 ms 47583.40 merges/ sec
merge 1024 x 1024 21831.19 ms 48031.09 merges/ sec
Rescue Prime Merkle Tree Benchmark
merklize 1048576 leaves 21846.56 ms
merklize 2097152 leaves 43669.84 ms
merklize 4194304 leaves 87320.22 ms
merklize 8388608 leaves 175640.44 ms
make && ./run
running on Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB
kernel build log:
passed apply_sbox tests !
passed apply_inv_sbox tests !
passed apply_rescue_permutation tests !
passed apply_mds tests !
passed reduce_sum_vec2 tests !
passed merge tests !
passed build_merkle_nodes tests !
Rescue Prime Hash Benchmark
hash_elements 128 x 128 2.05 ms 7992007.99 hashes/ sec
hash_elements 256 x 256 7.62 ms 8599838.75 hashes/ sec
hash_elements 512 x 512 28.02 ms 9357067.14 hashes/ sec
hash_elements 1024 x 1024 102.22 ms 10257848.66 hashes/ sec
Rescue Prime Merge Benchmark
merge 128 x 128 1.93 ms 8474576.27 merges/ sec
merge 256 x 256 7.15 ms 9169054.44 merges/ sec
merge 512 x 512 26.40 ms 9930948.87 merges/ sec
merge 1024 x 1024 105.11 ms 9975548.22 merges/ sec
Rescue Prime Merkle Tree Benchmark
merklize 1048576 leaves 130.50 ms
merklize 2097152 leaves 235.47 ms
merklize 4194304 leaves 445.62 ms
merklize 8388608 leaves 864.30 ms