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Renew Kubernetes Docker secrets for AWS ECR

AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) provides a cost-effective private registry for your Docker containers. However, ECR Docker credentials expire every 12 hours.

Docker Images

The latest images are:

  • itzmanish/ecr-token-renew:latest

Environment Variables

The tool is mainly configured through environment variables. These are:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (required): AWS access key used to create the Docker credentials.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (required): AWS secret needed to fetch Docker credentials from AWS.
  • AWS_REGION (required): The AWS region where your ECR instance is created.
  • DOCKER_SECRET_NAME (required): The name of the Kubernetes secret where the Docker credentials are stored.
  • TARGET_NAMESPACE (optional): Comma-separated list of namespaces. A Docker secret is created in each of these. If this environment variable is not set, a value of default is assumed.
  • DOCKER_REGISTRIES (optional): Comma-separated list of registry URL. If none is provided, the default URL returned from AWS is used.
    • Example: DOCKER_REGISTRIES=,

Installing instruction

$ go install

Helm Usage

Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add ecr-token-renew

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo ecr-token-renew to see the charts.

To install the ecr-token-renew chart:

helm install my-ecr-token-renew ecr-token-renew/chart

Note: you need to override configMapKeyRef key with correct configmap value where your AWS credentials are present. you can always append -f override.yaml on the above command. Checkout charts/deployment/values.yaml for default values.

To uninstall the chart:

helm uninstall  my-ecr-token-renew